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We all flew to the hospital when we heard of the accident! My heart lurched as I ran manically to the OT, where I saw his parents and Nung and her parents too.

My boys held onto me so that I don't say or do anything stupid but I shrugged them off and walked straight to the OT, trying to peer into the room but nothing could be seen. I stepped away gingerly, trying to hold back my tears but my heart was thudding with so much of fear, that I could hear it. Just then Nung came up to me, swirled me around and slapped me.

My boys raised their voices and wanted to come to me but I stopped them with a subtle shake of my head.

"Who the hell do you think you are to come here?! Because of you, Park is confused, being a person he isn't, doesn't understand my love for him and has now gotten into this accident. Go away!'

I looked at her after a while, raising my eyebrows. I cocked my head and then I snickered. Bitch hasn't seen me in action, has she? She has no idea on what she is saying.

"Park is everything he is supposed to be. He's finally in love for the good heart he has and being loved back for it too. You don't have love for him Nung. What you have is a fucking obsession. You are just obsessed with the idea of him. If you really loved him, you wouldn't have manipulated your dad's love for you and got him to brainwash another parent into marrying his son to you. If you really loved him, you would have let go when you realized his heart doesn't belong to you. If you really loved him, you would have tried to court him and win him over, not pull this manipulative bitch shit you been doing. You got your best friend to make me feel like a fucking third party. I have hurt that boy in that fucking room multiple times because of you. If there is a saving grace, he's prolly in there because he wanted to get away as fast from me because of how much I have hurt him. I love him so much and yet I hurt him. Can you imagine the toll it has taken on me? Who the fuck do you think you are? Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm nice Nung. I'm just keeping quiet out of respect for Park and these people there, people you call parents and his parents too."

Nung stared at me gobsmacked. She let out a small shriek and raised her hand to slap me again but it never came. Rather I saw a resounding one land on her instead by her dad! I was stunned and took a step back.

"If you raise another fuss here, I will kill you here itself. Sit down and I do not, I mean it Nung, I do not want to hear another peep from you." Her father threatened menacingly.

Everyone was quiet. No one said anything. Nung's father went over to Park's parents, apologising for everything she had done and assured them that business is business and it wouldn't be affected. He also stressed that his daughter can give up the idea of marrying Park as he has no intention of grabbing away Park's happiness from him and he honestly doesn't think his daughter can keep Park happy. Park's dad sobbed and nodded whilst his mum came over to me, holding me gently. I hugged her back softly, assuring her Park will be ok.

There wasn't a single dry eye as we all waited to hear an update on Park's condition. I sat down with Park's mum next to me and I held her hand all the way. Finally about 2 hours later, the doctor came out. We all stood up and looked at him expectantly. All the doctor did was shake his head, smiling. Everyone whooped! I sat down in intense relief and happiness, sagging onto Park's mum who held onto me, both of us crying away.

The doctor said we could go see him once he's settled in the ward. We all nodded fervently and waited a while more and finally about 40 minutes later, we all went to the private ward. I hung back for a while, letting his parents see him and all. I was still wondering how to go in and see him when Park's dad came out. I stood up when I saw him. We looked at each other for a full minute before he finally nodded his head at me, beckoning me to go in. I ran in and saw him, hooked up to all kinds of tubes and drips. I tried to hold back my tears but it was so hard.

Park was awake but very weak. He just saw me but didnt respond. I knew the ball was in my court. I walked over to him, trying to hold onto my tears desperately. I sat on the chair near him and I held onto his hand. He tried to clutch it but was so weak that he couldn't. I gripped his hand instead, willing him strength for both of us.

Our tears fell simultaneously. Everyone was just so sad when they saw us crying. Everyone left the room and we didn't even realise. But then Park's dad walked in. I saw him and didn't know what to say or do. He flicked an eye towards our clasped hands. I sighed. I looked at Park who just nodded his head briefly. I was about to take my hand away when I heard Park's dad utter, "Look after him Beam. Auntie and I will go speak to the doctor's about his discharge and follow up. Don't leave him alone."

My eyes flooded. I nodded, without saying a word but my hand didn't leave Park's.

I think we just took the first step with his dad.

In You, I Seek (ParkxBeam) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now