Chapter 23. Intent

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- Hello, Lesha, it's good that you stopped by.

Dad said to me as I walked out onto the big balcony of the apartment building. All the people I had seen during the dream were already gathered here. In the center was Volodya sitting on a stool. Next to her was Katya, her sister Tanya, who in the dream was buying plots of land for a dance school, Vasya, who had to leave soon to shoot a new movie in Kazakhstan at Baikonur, and my sister with my father. Father asked:

- I don't understand at all what Volodya is talking about. What is "intent"?

I answered with a big smile:

- It's very simple. Let me show you. I just need to rehearse for a second.

I excused myself and stepped back into the stairwell, where I started practicing my kung-fu punch. With my elbow at my side, I closed my hand into a fist. Instinctively, I had sensed that the laws of physics in this place were different from the waking world, and that throwing a good punch would be challenging. The air of the dream is denser, almost like water, so you will have to deal with a lot of resistance.

Satisfied with my rehearsal, I went back out onto the balcony.

- Dad, you can't throw a proper punch like this.

To prove my point, I demonstrated a punch in the air. It was weak and painfully slow.

- If you really want to strike, you need intent. Intent is a little like willpower, a drive or desire to achieve something. Watch closely!

I went into horse stance with my knees bent and wide apart. Slowly exhaling, my raised palms joined in front of me.

- Before you strike, there has to be the intent to strike. Only then can the intent turn into action.

I focused on my hands and threw a fast and accurate punch.

The demonstration was a great success. Everyone on the balcony seemed very pleased.

- You see, dad? That's what "intent" means, a conscious approach to each action, focusing on the action long before it happens. Intent helps us experience the world more clearly and vividly.

Having spoken these words, I raised my hands with both palms towards the sky, fingers fanned out as if to make room for the flow of energy. Suddenly, I became aware of fine pores in my fingertips, which seemed to emanate a faint glow of energy. Only now was I beginning to understand what had taken place. This had been a wonderful lesson.

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