From the books of Stephen LaBerge, a psychophysiologist who received a PhD at Stanford University for his thesis on the phenomenon of lucid dreaming, I got the interesting idea to divide my sleep into two phases, in order to be more productive. According to LaBerge, the most probable entrance into a state of conscious sleep begins after 6 AM, as during the night the phase of active sleep (in which we dream) gradually increases from 15 minutes at the beginning of the night to their maximum of 45-60 minutes after 6 AM. These longer dream phases already logically imply a multiple increase in the chance of successful lucid dreaming. Utilising this fact, he cited an interesting method for teaching oneself to enter into lucid dreaming. Which I immediately rushed to put into practice.
After six hours of deep sleep, I got up with an alarm at five in the morning. Luckily, my wife didn't object to this little experiment, as she is a very sound sleeper and hardly reacted to the alarm at all. I had been dreaming, and the individual dreams had been numerous. Small fragments of them, I could still recall, even though they didn't form a cohesive whole in my mind. Briskly, I got up so as not to fall asleep again. For the past month, I had made a habit of getting up at this time, which was only 45 minutes away from my usual alarm at quarter to six and therefore didn't put much of a strain on me. Passing by the door to the garden, I let in the cat, which had been waiting there for my arrival. He brushed past me and went to sleep on the sofa, as I continued my way to the bathroom, in order to brush my teeth. After brewing myself a cup of tea, I spent about one and a half hours answering correspondence from my American colleagues. Conveniently, it was at this point still evening on the West Coast. When I had finished my business, I wrote down in my notebook the possible goals I could achieve in the dream:
- Learn more from the Snovids about the dream
- Find and explore the boundary of dreams
- Find and walk through the Wall of Mist
- Learn new things from the Snovids
- Learn more about lucid dreams
Many of these goals were obvious enough, but it was important to remain clear about my purpose, so I wouldn't lose my bearings in the dream.
I turned off the computer and quietly, so as not to wake my love, laid back down and drew the blanket over me. It still seemed to hold the warmth of my body. As I lay there, the faint sensation of the dreams I'd had came back to me. It was as if they were still here, in an invisible field of information, awaiting my return. Breathing deep into my stomach, I slowed each breath and gradually relaxed my whole body, until I had effortlessly fallen asleep once more. Thoughts turned into visions and began to replace one another, more and more immersing me in uncomplicated plots, until, after a while, I had completely entered into a dream.
My parents asked me to go to the basement of our house and bring a few cans and mason jars of food to the table. When I went down there, I came upon a very strange scenery, instead. A couple of green parrots were flying around the room, by all appearances feeling right at home here, despite the damp and total darkness. The floor of the basement was flooded with clear azure blue water like you see in a swimming pool, and a number of rats were drifting on boards and other things on the surface of the water. Despite an apparent animosity between the parrots and the rats, they seemed to have come to an understanding. Taking a few nuts from my pocket, I began to feed the parrots out of my hands. Fully absorbed in this task, I hardly noticed that my left hand had become entangled in a nearby cactus growing from a pot. Finally, noticing a sharp pain, I looked at my hand and saw that a dozen long needles had burrowed deep into my palm. I turned my head towards the stairs and yelled:
- Mom, why did you put a cactus in the basement? I touched it and now I'm hurt.
I could still faintly hear the sound of the feast going on in the living room. After a while, my sister came down to help me. She said:
Snovid's diary
ParanormalFor many years, I have experimented with the unusual phenomenon of lucid dreaming, through which I have become acquainted with the rules of dreams. Now, I am in the process of writing a larger book project based on my dream diaries, in which I will...