Ch4: There's No Way That I'm Working Together With Her

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Ivy and Zack were surprised.

"Is she still here?" Ivy asked, wanting to know.

Carmela nodded her head yes.

"Where is she?" Ivy asked, really wanting to go find Carmen.

"Calm down, Ivy. Maybe Carmen came here for a family reason." Zack said, in an explanation as he was trying to get her to sit down.

Ivy sighed and sat back down.

"Yes. She did come here for a family reason, Zack." Carmela said, in an explanation.

"If she did come here, Carmela, where is she?" Ivy asked, in a calm voice.

"She'd be upstairs with June. I'd rather for you to not go up there and disturb her..." Carmela began to say as Ivy was now getting up.

Ivy then looked at Zack.

"Let's go!" She said, now running over to the stairs.

Zack sighed and began to follow her.

After the two went upstairs to June's room, Carmela sighed.

Why didn't Ivy follow her instructions...?


Carmen was sitting in a chair, next to June's bed.

She was wearing a red Tshirt and black pajama pants.

Carmen was also wearing her black bedroom shoes.

As she was sitting in the chair, watching June, Ivy and Zack now appeared in the hallway.

Carmen looked at them.

"My favorite detectives..." She said, while Ivy was getting the handcuffs out.

Zack looked down at the handcuffs and then back at Ivy, who now had a determined look on her face.

"Ivy, what are you doing?" He asked, concerned.

Ivy looked at him.

"Nabbing Carmen." She said, in a low whisper.

"But... But, Ivy... Carmen's stopped stealing." Zack said, trying to reason with her.

"That's right, Ivy. I have stopped stealing." Carmen said, in an explanation.

"If you have stopped stealing, then why are you here? Huh...? What are you planning to steal here?" Ivy asked, wanting to know.

Carmela was now standing in the hallway.

"Ivy, that's enough! She may have stolen things in the past but, she's not stealing anything now." She said as she was coming in the room.

"B... But, Carmela, we haven't been able to capture Carmen. Everytime that we try to, she gets away!" Ivy said, eyeing Carmen.

Carmen sighed and looked away from her and looked at June.

She then placed her hand on top of hers.

"It's okay, Junie. I'll make sure that no one takes me away from you. You mean everything to me now." Carmen said, talking to June who was passed out because Carmela gave her a very powerful anesthetic.

Carmela smiled and then began to think of a suitable punishment.

When she thought of the punishment that she wanted to give to Carmen, she then looked at Ivy.

"Ivy, give me those handcuffs." Carmela said, giving an order to the young female ACME detective.

Ivy walked over to her and gave her the handcuffs.

Carmela then looked at Carmen, who was holding her little sister's hand.

"Ivy, come with me over to Carmen. I have a better idea." She said, beginning to reveal her plan.

Ivy sighed and began to follow Carmela.

When they got over to Carmen, Carmela held onto the handcuffs, remembering her plan.

Carmen looked up at her and saw Ivy standing next to her.

"Mother, what's going on and why is Ivy over here?" She asked, wondering what was going on.

"If you and Ivy are not going to get along, then I'm going to have to handcuff you to her and the both of you will have to work together on taking care of June." Carmela said as she now handcuffed Carmen's right hand and Ivy's left hand together.

Carmen and Ivy were surprised, while Zack was trying not to laugh.

Carmen and Ivy looked at each other, with suspicious looks on their faces.

"THERE'S NO WAY THAT I'M WORKING TOGETHER WITH HER!" They said, together at the same time, pointing at each other.

"Well... Get used to it. You two are going to be handcuffed until you two get along. The only times you two will be uncuffed is at dinnertime, during your bathroom breaks, or if you guys need a break and at bedtime." Carmela said, in an explanation.

Zack then began to laugh.

"You know what's bad about this, Mr. Have A Nice Day?" Ivy said, looking at him.

"The fact that you're handcuffed to Carmen and you're not getting uncuffed until you and her settle your differences and take care of June together?" Zack said, looking at the two while Carmen was keeping her eyes on June.

"Exactly, little bro." Ivy said.

"Zack?" Carmela said.

Zack looked at her.

"Yes, Carmela?" He said.

"I need you to supervise these two for me while I need to get dinner ready. Can you do that?" Carmela said, while wondering what she was going to cook for dinner.

Zack smiled.

"Sure, Carmela. You can count on me." He said, in determination.

Carmela smiled and then began to leave the room.

After Carmela left, Zack turned his attention towards his sister and Carmen, who were looking away from each other.

Zack sighed and looked at June, who was very still in the bed and breathing from her CPAP machine.

What has he gotten himself into...?

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