CHAP. 3 . . ☆

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The bell rings and shi qingxuan runs to the garden

"A'lian! Why weren't you in class?!" Shi qingxuan pouts

"Oh, please, stop acting like a child! I was gone for one period!" Xie lian chuckles

"Oh and by the way, there's a test tomorrow consisting of 100 items." Shi qingxuan grabs her notebook from her bag and opens it

"Oh, that's nice." Xie lian smiles and peaks over at Qingxuan's notes

"Old man! Who likes tests?!"

"Stop being silly! Atleast you will learn someth-"

"Gege! Gege!" San lang runs to the bench where qingxuan and lian were sitting at

"Oh, hello San lang!" Xie lian smiles

"Hello, San lang!" Shi qingxuan waves aggressively

"Gege, I bought you a chocolate bar to thank you for giving me a tour of the school!" San lang hands a chocolate bar to xie lian and sits on the grass beside their bench

"Oh, thank you San lang! This is my favorite chocolate bar." Xie lian RIPS the cover of the chocolate and shoves it into his mouth

"Oh! ThAnK yOu sAn lAnG FoR gIvInG mE, yOuR pReCiOuS gEgE, A cHoColAte bAr!" Qingxuan mocks them and does a kissy face

Xie lian smacks the goofy girl next to her "stop being ridiculous! He's just saying thank you!"

"Ouch! Asshole! That hurt!" Qingxuan pushes xie lian gently and San lang laughs

The 3 spend 20 minutes chatting until a girl walks up to qingxuan

"Ah! Ming Yi!" Qingxuan runs up to the girl and gives a tight hug

"Grr!-G-GE!-GET off me!" Ming Yi successfully pushes qingxuan off

San lang's face darkens and gives a chuckle

Ming Yi notices San lang and glares at him

"Eh? Ming Yi? Is everything okay?" Qingxuan asks, worried

"Oh, it's nothing, qingxuan. May I speak to.. him?" Ming Yi says pointing at San lang

"Hmm, sure?" Qingxuan nods as San lang stands up and follows Ming Yi

"Hua Cheng, why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, aren't you supposed to be taking care of my paperwork?"

"That shit is done. Why we're you hanging out with qingxuan and his friend?"

"Oh, his 'friend' is my gege. That's why I'm here."

"Oh, the Twink? Yeah. Whatever. And I mean.. come on! 'san lang'? Stupidest name I've heard."

"Fuck you, whore. You came here to make out with that qingxuan, right?"

"I SAID WE AREN'T DATING!!" Mingyi yells angrily


"ARGHH!" Ming Yi walks out, pissed as hua cheng proudly smirks

San lang walks back to the bench to see his gege and qingxuan chatting happily

"Gege! Can I have your number? I wanna be friends!" San lang smiles

"Of course, San lang!" Xie lian gives his number

(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。TIME SKIP . . .

Hua cheng arrives to the gigantic mansion at the riches neighborhood in the city

He opens his phone and immediately chats his gege

Gegeee! Mwa 📞🎥
sAn lang
Hello gege!!!
Oh hello San lang
San lang
Oh I'm good
I'm just doing some hw rn
Hope u enjoyed ur first day:)

'omg! Gege sent me a smiley emoticon!!!!!' hua cheng blushes and kicks his feet in the air like a lovesick teenage girl does when texting her crush

San Lang
That's lovely to hear gege!!!
I had fun because I could hang out with you and qingxuan:3
That's nice
Did you make any other friends besides us?
San lang
This San lang may have accidentally scared off a few college students
I can understand that
After all
San lang is a very handsome and intimidating young man :)

Hua Cheng's heart started beating RAPIDLY and threw his phone on the bed and giggles loudly like a teenage girl

San lang?
Why are you seening my chats?
San Lang
Gege... I'm not handsome at all...
Who is spitting that non sense in ur mind?
San Lang
Gege, it's true, I'm not at all handsome
Be confident.
Go study btw
We all have a 100 item quiz tmrw
San Lang
But gege, I'm a first year and is new
That doesn't exclude u San lang...
We have a quiz...
Now study.
San lang
Sir yes sir

San lang gets off his phone and runs to his desk

He grabs his textbooks and starts studying

(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。TIME SKIP . . .

Everyone grabs a sheet of the test paper and starts answering the test

Xie lian felt confident that he will get an A, So he didn't study. And he was right, he did get an A.

Hua Cheng studied all night long and got an A, he only studied for his gege anyway

"San lang!"

"Hello, gege!"

"How did you do on the test?"

"Oh, I'm not sure.." San lang sighs

"Don't overwork yourself! Who knows? You might've gotten an A."

"I think gege got an A..."

"San lang, I'm not sure of that..! I didn't even study..!"

"Gege, see those rewards?"


"They're all named by you, your rewards are all in your own shelf, I doubt gege would get an F"

"When did you explore that much of the school? I just showed you the important bits?"

"This San lang has a lot of free time, now let's go" San lang smiles and walks to the elevator while xie lian follows behind him

The two arrive at the cafeteria and go to their usual table with qingxuan

"HI, SAN LANG! HI, A'LIAN!!" Qingxuan yells loudly while waving aggressively

"Hello" the two wave at the same time and sat down

The 3 eat their lunches and went to their class.

(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。TIME SKIP . . .

Qingxuan makes a groupchat with ming Yi, San lang, and xie lian

Heaven 📞🎥
Mingyi 😈
Why does everyone get a nickname and I don't
Not my problem
Change it urself
Don't be lazy

To Be Continued . . .
Ran out of what to write so yeah

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