CHAP. 10 . . ✩

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While hua cheng was looking around the flower shop, he saw xie lian run down the stairs

"Woah, gege, be careful. You might fall" hua cheng chuckles

"San lang, no need to worry about me! Now let's go get groceries." Xie Lian grabs hua cheng's hand and drags him to the fancy ass car infront of the flower shop

They put on their seatbelts and head to the nearest grocery store they can possibly find

Xie lian got off the car first while hua Cheng was finding a place to park the car

'why the fuck are there so many cars here? If I loose my patience I'm going to hit one of these bitchass cars.' hua cheng talks to himself through his mind

After finding a parking spot, hua cheng sprints to the entrance of the grocery store. He finds xie lian waiting for him

"Alright, San lang! Let's go." Xie lian pushes the grocery cart back inside

After a few minutes of shopping for food, a little girl walks up to them and tugs on xie lian's shirt

"Gege, c-can you please get the uhh... The sour patch kids at the top?.." the kid asked shyly

"Hm? Oh, okay." Xie lian reaches his hand for the sour patch kids and gives it to the little girl next to him

The little girl's eyes lit up with joy "thank you, gege! A-Li really appreciates it" the little girl smiles at xie lian and runs off to find her parents

"Hmm, gege is such a good person." Hua Cheng smiles at xie lian

"You flatter me, San lang. Now let's pay for these, I'm pretty sure I've got what I need." Xie lian walks out the aisle and goes to pay for the food

hua cheng drops xie lian at his apartment after paying and drives away, xie lian unlocks the door and sets down the groceries on the counter as he puts them away in the cabinets and fridge

After xie lian was done with putting the groceries away, he got ready for bed. While brushing his teeth, his phone rang from beside him

It was a facetime from shi qingxuan in the groupchat they made with ming yi, hua cheng, yin yu, and him. He answers the facetime

"Qingxuan? What's up? Why'd you do a facetime in the gc?" Xie lian adjusts his camera and continues brushing his teeth as the others join the facetime

"Why do you have your phone in the bathroom while brushing your teeth? Anyway, I heard that we won't be needing to go to college for a week since the school is getting a revamp." Shi qingxuan announces

"A week only? Why isn't it a month? Does that mean we will go to school in a week with work-in-progress classrooms, bathrooms, tiles, etcetera?" Xie lian asked

"No you dumbass, it's only the simple things like the stinky ass bathroom stalls, mildly damaged classrooms and the locker rooms. They'll also be adding dorms! But the dorms will take awhile." Shi qingxuan explains excitedly

"Is that all? Can you shut the fuck up now? Are you done? Whatever. I'm leaving." Ming yi says because he was just interrupted while he was eating

"Gege, have you already put away your groceries?" Hua cheng asks with a bright smile

Xie lian washes his mouth before replying "yes I have, San lang!" Xie lian grabs his phone and walks to his bedroom

A few months have past and the 4 of them have been doing well, hanging out more than usual, sleepovers every time they had freetime to waste, qingxuan and ming yi have started dating which is unbearable for hua cheng, students are allowed to move into dorms now, xie lian sold his flower shop and is now packing up to move into school dorms.

After packing up, xie lian called up shi qingxuan to ask if she could help him get his dorm keys and unpack and ofcourse qingxuan said yes

In the car ride to the dorms, shi qingxuan wouldn't shut the fuck up about her and ming yi's relationship

When they reached the dorms, qingxuan helped xie lian carry his things and got his keys while they talked about random topics on the way

They got in the dorm and it was big enough for 2 people as expected

When they walked into the dorm room, xie lian's roommate's side is already unpacked and good to go

Since the side was red and black themed, shi qingxuan assumed it was xie lian's roommate was hua cheng

"Wow, lianlian! Your roommate might be your San lang" shi qingxuan chuckles as xie lian playfully nudged him

"Not only San lang has this type of aesthetic." Xie lian couldn't help but laugh abit

Qingxuan helped xie lian unpack. After a few hours of unpacking and organizing, they both heard the door unlock, as qingxuan expected, hua cheng was xie lian's roommate

"SEE, LIANLIAN! I FUCKING TOLD YOU YOUR SAN LANG IS YOUR ROOMMATE!" Shi qingxuan yells to the point hua cheng heard it from outside

"Who's there? I wasn't expecting my roommate to come here toda- gege!" Hua cheng's face turned from grumpy to a sweet and bright smile when he saw his gege

"Hi, San lang! It appears were roommates." Xie lian puts down his laptop on the white desk he brought to the dorm and went to greet hua cheng

"Well, well, well! A-cheng! Hello." Qingxuan waves before leaving

"Qingxuan?- aren't you gonna help me?" Xie lian wondered why the homosexual was leaving so early

"Boy. Your San lang baby boo bear is there to help you! Go do it yourselves." Qingxuan says before shutting the door

Xie lian sighs "I hope you wouldn't mind helping me, San lang."

"It's no problem, gege." Hua Cheng was still holding his smile till now

The two were unpacking things such as xie lian's clothes, things to put on the desk, rebuilding the office chair of xie lian's, rebuilding the bed and so much more

To Be Continued . . .
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Sorry for not uploading in a while, got lazy....... Updates will be very slow because of my motivation and school!!!!

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