Chapter 12

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Chap 12

Drac chuckled as he pushed CJ sideways with his shoulder. She giggled and shoved him back as her fingers and his ghosted over the keys of the organ in the back room of Hook's Inlet. Located on a separate dock from Uma's Drac had frequented the little shop often over the years, sneaking by Uma's pirates to reach it. Thankfully, the pirates sworn to Hook didn't bother with what they called 'silly childish arguments' and instead left him be when they did see him on pirate land. Captain James Hook himself had seen him with his youngest and ignored the boy. Whether that was out of displeasure or fear Drac couldn't tell, maybe it had more to do with dragons and crocodiles both being scaly vicious creatures that led Hook to his temperament. Either way the only one in the family who despised Drac hanging out with CJ was Harry, and that was something they both relished in. CJ was always looking to build her rep, much like Drac, outside of the shadow cast by the elder villains around her. Given the day Drac had yesterday he'd gone straight to CJ after breakfast, bringing some of the freshest food the Slop Shop had. They ate together while he filled her in on the club Diego had told him about and his breakdown at Bargain Castle – something that she highly approved of. And his little outburst at the Slop Shop afterward.

"Uma had something similar last night at her place." CJ filled him in. "Harry came home humming a tune and sauntering around the decks."

She rolled her eyes at her brother's antics, which made Drac laugh. Eventually the pair wound up at their old haunt, the organ. CJ had learned from her father, as all his children had, as kids Drac would ask her to play him something after he'd had a bad day. When they were little Mal would ditch him to go play with Uma, it wasn't until that friendship went sour and he'd gotten older that she started paying attention to him - and made him her shadow. On days when that started to bother him he knew he could turn to CJ who knew the feeling well. Or sometimes when his mother would lose her temper and Drac would run away for a day or two - it was CJ who would shelter him in the inlet. Now however, Drac leaned on his elbow with his chin in his hand as he watched CJ play the organ. She looked beautiful, he thought, her eyes held a serene soft glow he never saw any other time, the small smile on her face brought by the melody held no malice or wickedness to it. He thought about how music had made him feel in Auradon and wondered if it was like some universal language. That no matter where you came from no matter your background people could get together and enjoy music.

"CJ?" he asked and she hummed in response. "Will you teach me?"

She turned to him and her smile widened.

"Sure." she scooted over on the bench and he moved closer to her, their shoulders brushing and he could feel her body heat through his jacket. She showed him how to place his hands and fingers properly and she did the same. Mimicking her as she played low notes while he played high ones. He recognized the song as 'drink up me hearties' a pirate diddy.

"I bragged about you to the people in Auradon." He told her, "When I stopped by the band room."

"Oooo fancy." She mocked with a smile. Drac didn't allow his mind to wander any further down memory lane, worried he might spiral down a path of confusion, guilt and problems that he couldn't fix right now. He already had enough on his plate. Instead, he let the music CJ was tapping out calm his mind and relax him. His eyes stayed mostly on the keys, occasionally looking over to her and getting swept up in the kindness on her face.

After a bit she stopped playing and turned to him with a giggle. "What?"

He shrugged smiling to himself, "I should thank you, for all you've helped me with this past week."

She waved him off, "That's what friends do."

"Is that what we are?" he questioned turning on the bench, "Friends?"

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