Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

The rushing didn't help Drac much as he started limping along to the door. CJ noticed his struggle and grabbed his arm, throwing it over her shoulders to give him more support. Once outside he heard their bikes rev.

"Wow, rookie mistake." Carlos said as Harry Hook turned to them with a grin.

"Long time, nay see."

"Get off of my bike Hook!" Jay shouted.

"Catch me if ya can Jay!" he giggled as he and his crew sped off. Carlos and Jay ran after them but by the time they got there Harry was already down the alley.

"Over the roofs! Cut them off." Jay said as he, Carlos and Evie bolted.

Drac knew he was in no condition for that so he tapped CJ. "You go, I'll catch up later."

"You sure?" she asked looking concerned.

He smiled, "Yeah I know another way around. I'll catch up later with Mal okay?"

"Got it." she nodded and took off running. Celia looked like she wanted a piece of the action and when Mal pulled her back to stop her Drac took his chance. He moved behind a dumpster and pushing some boxes aside found the old tunnel he'd explored what felt like ages ago. Getting to dad would be easy.

"They got this." Mal told Celia, "You and me gotta find the ember." she looked around but didn't see Drac. He must have run off after the pirates, she thought.

"Good timing. It's right about his nap time." Celia nodded and began to lead her to Hades' lair.

It was in the darkest part of the Isle, no one was even around it. No colorful cloth or patchwork of clothing hung from the windows. In fact the windows were all boarded up, it looked like the surrounding buildings had been abandoned. No one wanted to be anywhere near Hades. Making the words Get Lost over the fenced entrance to his cave meaningless.

Celia used the key to get them inside and as they walked the cave grew darker and darker. Still, Mal noticed a sign with a three headed dog that said beware on it.

"Hey." Celia turned to her. "How big is that dog?"

"You'll see. And stay quiet. It echoes like crazy in here." Mal nodded following her lead. Every now and then she'd hear loud barking and jump but Celia calmly urged her forward. She found some mining helmets with lights attached to them and passed one to Mal, then they got on a rusty old bike that continued down the mine. It all reminded Mal of the EndlessCatacombs which was not the most pleasant of memories.

The ceiling had some electric blue lighting that was probably the closest Hades could get to real fire without his powers. Mal wanted nothing more then to get in and out of here without having to talk to him.

Celia stopped the bike and Mal followed her as she got off and headed down another tunnel. She heard more barking as they passed through a grey curtain and into the heart of Hades home. There were wood planks built like levels all around and as she and Celia descended the first one she caught movement in the corner of her right eye. From another tunnel Drac appeared, still limping, and when he spotted her he gave a nod which she returned. Then she looked around for Hades. He was in the center of the room reclining in a big plush chair, sunglasses covered his eyes as he snored and Celia and Mal crept closer. Next to Hades was a rock with a flat enough top where he kept the ember. Mal jumped when she heard more barking but Celia tapped her and pointed to a record player that had reached the end causing the barking to loop unnaturally.

Mal rolled her eyes while Drac smirked behind her back. 'That was new.' he chuckled silently in his head. Mal circled around the room, passing Drac and waving at him to stay back. Little did she know. . .

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now