Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Okay, we don't want this Anti-Heroes group to think we're onto them. If news gets out that the four of us are missing from school it will look suspicious. We need to go back but on our own terms. We can't let them know we know." Mal was telling the group as they planned Friday night on how to go back to the Isle the next day.

Jay nodded, "We need to lie low. We can leave Saturday after the game since everyone gets off campus privileges on the weekends. Then we come back Sunday night like everyone else and are here for class on Monday."

"Wait what about the dance?" Evie asked, "It's Castlecoming and I'm part of the royal committee. I have to make sure everything's set up correctly otherwise it might look like Wonderland threw up on everything."

Mal nodded, "People will notice if we're not there. Especially me." Since she'd started dating Ben Mal had been thrown into the spotlight more and more often. It was something she struggled with but knew the territory came with dating a king.

"Okay, so the game ends by five." Carlos said making the calculations in his head, "And the dance starts at six. We stay for an hour maybe, to make sure everyone notices that we were there. That doesn't leave us a whole lot of time to get out of here and to the Isle by midnight but it's doable."

"And this way you guys won't let down your team." Evie said.

"And Evie gets to set up with her committee." Jay said happily. As they hammered out the final details of their plan it really started to take shape. Jay would get the keys to the royal limo and Evie would take care of disguising her and Mal. Since she was making dresses for all the girls it would be easy to make a couple of duplicates so they could impersonate some princesses. The button to open the barrier was kept in the limo so, check, check and check. Everything was covered and by Saturday night their plan would be put into motion.


Drac spent the early morning hours pacing his and CJ's rooftop with his hands stuffed into his pockets. From above Diaval landed on his shoulder. It brought a small smile to the dragon boy's face as he pet the bird's head. Things were going well, he had to remind himself. Though his head felt like it was spinning. Your father helped you secure your side of the Isle. You have people who are now loyal to you, not your mother, not Mal, you. He'd even successfully made it into the good graces of the Sanderson Sisters, which was a feat even Maleficent, the Evil Queen or Ursula hadn't been able to accomplish.

There was this new group of Yen Sid's that Diego was keeping tabs on for him. The potential of what could result of the group worried Drac more then the group itself. But Diego was a good friend and Drac knew he could rely on him to report back everything Drac needed to know.

Aside from that, there had been little activity on Uma's side of the Isle, so he had one less thing to worry about at the moment.

But then why did he feel so dissatisfied? Like a piece of him was still missing?

The inner turmoil was confusing and that feeling alone was enough to make Drac angrily kick an empty can into the nearest brick wall. It caused a cat to jump and hiss. Diaval cawed at it but nothing more happened. Drac pet his bird to calm him before he flipped and vaulted and parkoured over the streets until he made it to one place he'd been worried to return to. The old lair. The hammock he'd been sleeping in the day his mother had announced they'd be going to Auradon was still there and just like on that morning he hopped his way down the fire escape until he landed in the street.

Taking a deep sigh he grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it at the 'Danger: Flying Rocks' sign. The secret door opened, it was something Drac had helped Carlos make. Carlos came up with the design and Drac helped him construct it. Slowly Drac headed up the metal stairs. But he paused before heading in. What if he had another meltdown like at Bargain Castle? What if he wrecked the place? He didn't want to destroy anything else. Especially a place full of good memories.

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now