Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Mal walked back through the woods sniffling until she reached Evie's place. Night had fully fallen and the others were now outside waiting for her.

"Hey, Mal. We've been waiting for -" Ben said rushing up to her but then he noticed the look on her face. "What's wrong?"

She took a deep breath, blinking back her tears and collecting herself, "Drac's gone."

"What?" Evie asked.

"He's going back to the Isle."

"Why?" Carlos questioned and Mal looked around at all their faces. CJ looked crushed, and confused. Harry rested a hand on her shoulder though he looked uncertain, like CJ might hit it off. But in her stupor she left it there and Harry's thumb began to move back and forth in a small attempt at comfort.

A tear fell from Mal's eye as she shook her head and looked at the ground. Ben moved closer and wrapped an arm around her. He was the only one who knew the truth and understood what must have happened to make Drac leave. She sniffled once more before composing herself and looking back at the others.

"We need to find Audrey." She said knowing that was the more important issue at hand. The others looked puzzled but no one could deny her logic so, even uneasy, they nodded and Ben pointed in the direction of Fairy Cottage and they all got moving.


Like Harry said they used the darkness to their advantage and crept through the shadows moving from tree to bush to tree to boulder until they were close enough to the cottage to see the front door. They went through the metal fence which creaked when they opened it and the sound made each of them cringe, every fiber of their being hoping Audrey hadn't heard the noise. Mal gripped the ember in her hand as Ben opened the front door and stormed in, the rest of them following behind. But then they found something they hadn't been expecting – the place was empty.

Jay ran to the second floor but was back a moment later.

"She's not upstairs." He said as they looked around for a clue to where Audrey might have gone. Then they heard banging coming from a closet that was locked from the outside. Ben opened it and they all saw Chad Charming in a fetal position on the floor rocking himself slowly.

"Chad?" Ben asked.

"I want my mommy." Chad whimpered. Ben bent down to try and help Chad but he jumped back terrified.

"It's okay." Ben told him as he helped him up by the arm. "What happened buddy?"

Chad looked around the room at them before he stood up and turned to Ben.

"Ben? Ben!" he shouted grabbing Ben's jacket, "Oh. . .your face." He said feeling Ben's beard before he looked around the room again. "She's gone? Huh? The doors open. I'm free. Freedom!" he shouted running out the door and into the woods, "Whoo-hoo! Freedom! Mom!"

Some of the others snickered as Chad blew past them but CJ felt bad for the guy. "Give him a break guys, getting locked in small rooms runs in his family."

Growing up a Hook things like clocks and crocodiles ran in her blood. The scaly things always made her uneasy, though Harry had instead developed an odd obsession with the beasts. Still, she understood inheriting your parents problems.

Evie cleared her throat and nodded recomposing herself as she remembered what happened to Cinderella. Harry shut the door as they all headed outside, CJ heard him snickering 'freedom' as he brought up the back of the group with her. She smacked him in the stomach but it was playful and halfhearted, something that made him grin with her as her brother wrapped his arm across her shoulders.

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