An Unexpected Visitor 12.

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Percy's P.O.V.

After we came to the bunker I sauntered over to Kate's room to check on her and she was passed out sprawled over her bed. She was fast asleep and I put a blanket over her. I was so tired I retired to my designated room and I slept so soundly, but I had dreams. I was in a dark room with Jason tied in one corner. I tried to get to him to untie him but I was bound too. I heard a cackling woman but the sound was everywhere. She wasn't in the room. The sound surrounded us in the dark dungeon. I heard a yell come from outside the room and the sound of gushing water, then black. I woke up slowly. That didn't give me a good feeling. I hoped it wouldn't come true but than again hoping never got me anywhere. I brushed my teeth and put on my camp halfblood T-shirt and left my room. I walked over to Kate's room to check on her again. when I opened the door she groaned.

"Percy, shut the damn door before I melt!" She ordered.

"No, you need to get up." I said calmly.

"Percy, I feel so bad. I think I'm dying." She said through a series of groans. I chuckled.

"Wakey, wakey! Time to get up." I said as I pulled the blanket off of her. She hissed and pulled the cover back on over her head. " So you want coffee?" I asked trying to get her out of bed.

"No, an aspirin the size of me might do the trick though." She said her voice muffled from the blanket.

"Come on, coffee is almost as good." I said coaxing.

"Will you make pancakes?" She asked peeking from behind the blanket.

"Yes, if these guys have the ingredients." I said.

"Fine." she said," Give me a couple of minutes." and I left. I walked over to the kitchen and I got the coffee ready and started to prepare the pancakes. Annabeth came in looking well rested.

"Hey Seaweed Brain she said looking at what I was doing. "Making pancakes?" she asked.

"Yeah, Kate had a hangover so I told her I would make pancakes."

"Great, your pancakes are the best!" Annabeth said helping me make the batter. Kate shuffled into the room with her blanket. Her hair was a rat's nest and she looked really bad. She sat down hard at the table and rubbed her temples.

"Late night?" Leo said coming into the room. "You were so drunk last night, it was hilarious!" Leo said laughing. Kate just answered in a groan.

"If you would have listened to me you would have not had a hangover today." I said to Kate. She gave me a stare and went back to her coffee that was left on the table for her.

"Everyone awake yet?" Logan said coming into the room with a stupid grin on his face. His sandy hair all over the place he scratched his head and sat down next to Kate. " You okay?" He asked her.

"What do you think?" Kate said. He laughed, " That was a stupid question wasn't it."

Nico was now in the room and he poured himself some coffee and sat down next to Kate. "I didn't see you last night but I heard you were totally wasted." He said looking interested in what Kate had to say.

"Nico, I don't know what you want to hear from me but I don't remember a thing and personally I don't want to." Kate said looking at Nico. Sam came in this time.

"Leo are you going to tell Dean?" Sam asked and I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Yes! Dude that was the funniest thing I have ever heard!" Leo said really enthusiastically. Kate whacked him on the arm, probably to tell him to keep the noise down.

" I think I hate you." Sam said and with that he left the kitchen.

"What was that about?" I asked Annabeth.

"No idea." she answered. Dean walked in and he sat down across from Kate.

"Hey Kiddo, how's the head feelin'?" He said with a chuckle

"I swear that the next person who asks me about last night I will kill you, and my head feels like shit! If anyone else is wondering." She said loudly.

"Ha ha, thought so." Dean said getting up to get his coffee.

"Dean you won't believe what Sam told us last night! Piper charmspeaked him and.."

"Hold up what is charmspeak?"

"It's a power of some Aphrodite children. They can make people do what they want."

"Cool." Dean said.

"Anyway Piper charmspeaked him into saying something embarrassing."

"Do tell." Dean said sitting down now.

"Sam said he accidentally kissed a lesbian in seventh grade!"

"Who was it? Was it Gwen Hilary?" Dean asked.

"No, it was Jenna Barnes." Leo said clearly basking in the story.

"What! I dated her for two weeks!" Dean exclaimed.

"Oh my gods, you dated a lesbian! This just gets better and better!"

"We never speak of this again." Dean said looking at everyone in the room. I don't think I even want to speak of it again. I finally finished the pancakes and everyone got one. It was nice that we were all eating breakfast together. I felt like normal teenager for once, laughing and telling stories with my friends. It made me wonder if I could really have a normal life with no monsters or wars or anything. Then the realization of reality came to me and I realized that I could never have a normal life.

After breakfast Annabeth and I went on a walk outside to get some alone time.

"Percy, I had a dream last night."

"Uh oh." I said bracing myself for the bad news that's coming.

"No, it wasn't like that. I had a dream about us. We had a family, and jobs, and a house."

"Oh," was all I could say.

"We were happy Percy, do you think we'll ever get there?" Annabeth asked me.

"Maybe, I admit it would be nice to settle down somewhere." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"But?" Annabeth asked.

"How long would it be safe before we have to fight monsters? How long would it last?" I said.

"You're right but I can't help but wish for the best." She said and I grabbed her hand.

"Annabeth first we have to pay our due's and maybe we can have that." I said.

"But haven't we payed enough? We saved the world twice! I'd say that's enough payment." She said.

"I know but I guess I don't know what will happen." I said and then I kissed her. She blinked clearly confused.

"I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there." She said looking down. We walked in silence for a while down the gravel road. It was like a dream every time I was with Annabeth. She is so beautiful I am so lucky to have her. She is the best person in my life. She has this way of making me smile even when I'm not in the mood. I don't ever want o be separeated from her. For the first time I thought about marrying her. Then the unexpected happened. Roweena showed up.

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