Dating Step 1: Asking 14.

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Logan's P.O.V.

I was so pissed off at everyone for not giving me a straight answer. I even went to Piper and that didn't help at all. Now I'm going in blindly and I know nothing about how to ask a girl out. Normally I would ask Annabeth but I couldn't find her. Now I'm walking down the hallway towards her room and I feel like I could just pass out right here. Before I even knock on the door Kate walked out.

"Hi Logan, what are you doing?" She asked cocking her head to the side a bit. That was so cute.

"I had a question to ask you." I said stupidly.

"A child of Athena, asking me a question. The world is about to end isn't it." She said with mock surprise.

"Ha Ha, very funny." I said sarcastically.

"I was just heading to the gun range to get some practice in. You want to come?" She asked.

"They have a gun range in this place?" I said.

"Yeah, I know right! This place is like a dream!" she said. We walked down the hallway until we hit a door. Kate opened it and revealed some stairs. We walked down the spiral staircase and we came upon a large room. It had rows of booths. We stopped at one near the middle and she set up her gun.

"So you said you had a question?" Kate asked not taking her eyes off her target as she took aim. Boom! One shot then three more followed before I even noticed she said something. They all hit square in the face of the target.

"Yeah, I was just wondering..."

"Yeah," she said and she shot another bullet in the chest of the target.

"Maybe, you would like to go on a date. With me. Sometime, maybe?" I said pathetically.

"Sure," she said turning to me and I saw her eyes and they turned me to jello. "Where would we go?"

"Uh, um, maybe a picnic would be fun?" I said.

"Sounds great." she said. " What time?"

"Maybe tomorrow for lunch?" I said.

"Cool, what are we having?" she asked. I gave her a confused look. " You don't know what we're going to eat? Might as well call the whole thing off then." she said and I didn't feel so good then. "Relax, Logan, I'm messing with you!" she said with a soft punch to the arm. I felt a lot better and I left to go plan everything. I looked back and I saw her bull's-eye another target in the head and suddenly I felt terrified. What if I say something wrong? What if I do something wrong? What if she just doesn't like me? Oh my gods, I am going to fail miserably. She'll kill me. I don't know how to even act on a date, what am I going to do? I can't plan a conversation. I just hope I don't fail like I did when I tried to ask out Julia Westerman in the fifth grade. That ended horribly with me getting my arm broken from falling onto a bench, because she pushed me. Could anything be worse than that? Oh my gods, I need help. I frantically looked for Piper. When I finally found her she was with Jason in the kitchen eating a sandwich. 

"Piper I need your help!"

"What's wrong?" She said.

"Is it monsters? Is it something worse?" Jason asked.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and said, "I have a date."

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