The Good Times Are Killing Me 25.

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Percy's P.O.V.

I woke up in a dusty, dank dungeon. I looked around the room in a haze, I was having trouble seeing that I almost passed out again. I noticed a figure in the room across from me, it had blond hair and glasses, I think.

"Jason," I rasped. My throat hadn't touched water in days.

"Percy?" Jason rasped back.

"Hold on bro, we are going to get out of here," I said squirming in my chains.

"What?" He was still dazed and confused. I looked around the room realizing for the first time the chamber was circular. I saw a door on one side of the room.

"Jason, I found a door," I said trying to get closer to it. I stopped short because of my chains. I tried to get Riptide out of my pocket but I couldn't, the chains were to thick to reach that deep. "Oh crap," I swore at the chains.

"Percy, where are we?" Jason asked.

"I don't know," I said. Then I heard a door nob jiggling and faint arguing. I went back to my original spot on the wall and played dead. The door burst open and Annabeth and Kate crawled in. Annabeth was at my side in an instant.

"Thank the gods, seaweed brain!" She said cupping my face and giving me a light kiss on my cheek. Unfortuanately my sister was the one in charge of waking Jason up. I saw Kate on the other side of the dungeon slapping Jason's face so he would wake up. I was sorry that he didn't get a sweet awakening.

"Come on, Jason, wake up you wuss!" I heard her say. "Screw it," Then she cut the chains off of him with her sword and put his arm around her shoulders and stood shakily. "You are very heavy!" She said straining. That's when Annabeth reacted accordingly and did the same. We all crawled out the tunnel and Kate and Annabeth looked surprised.

"This isn't the way we came?" Annabeth said confused.

"No! I totally thought we came this way," Kate said sarcastically. Annabeth frowned at her.

"Stop being so sarcastic," I rasped to Kate.

"Well, stop being kidnapped wuss and we'll be even Steven." She said.

"We'll just go, we should be glad we don't have to carry them across a chasm." Annabeth said and we went on. After a while of walking down corridors we found a way out and we came out into the bright sun. I was so happy to see the sun I almost collapsed but Annabeth caught me. We were in a parking lot before I knew it and Logan and Piper came up to help with Jason and I. We got to the minivan and they sat us down in the trunk. Annabeth got Jason and I water and made us slow down when we gulped too much. Piper was crying and hugging Jason beside me but I hardly noticed because Annabeth was where my attention was. She was so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Are you happy that I saved your ass again, seaweed brain?" She said prideful. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Logan kiss Kate. He kissed my little sister! I was so angry I got over my fatigue and stood up.

"You! Step away from her, I got to talk to you." I said pointing a finger at Logan. He looked mortified.

"Percy," Kate stepped forward and put a hand to her head, she looked sick," Percy, don't be like that,"

"Don't be like what?" I said and then Kate collapsed into Logan's arms. "This seems a weird way to get out of an argument?" I said.

"Percy, she really passed out, she feels like she's burning up," Logan said feeling her forehead.

"Yeah right," I said.

"No, no, gods no. This is my fault," Annabeth said covering her mouth with her hand and she fell to her knees.

"What? Annabeth, no, where are you getting that idea?" I asked sitting back down next to her.

"She was bitten, all those spiders, oh gods Percy," she turned her face into my shoulder to cry into. "This is my fault, a spider bit her hand,"

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