Missing Person 18.

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Annabeth's P.O.V.

We were all sitting at the big battle strategy table in the front of the bunker for a meeting. We were trying to figure out what to do about not letting Percy or Jason getting kidnapped. I was proposing an idea for the boys to be under watch but I realized that wouldn't work against magic.

"We could... no never mind," Leo said.

"We could have... no that wouldn't work," Piper suggested. I saw Percy's eyes linger toward something under the table. His face turned red with anger.

"You two are...?" Percy asked Kate.

"Percy it's not the time." Kate said. Logan was blushing.

"You didn't think to tell me?" Percy asked

"Percy there are more pressing issues right now, such as your kidnapping?" Kate suggested.

"When did this happen? When did  you start dating?" Percy practically yelled. Logan and Kate blushed."You better take care of my sister," Percy said turning on Logan. I had to hide a laugh.

"Percy we'll talk about this later," Kate said forcefully.

"But... but!" Percy complained.


"Fine, I'll have a talk with you too Logan." Percy said complaining. Kate just rolled her eyes and Logan tried to disappear in his chair. I had to hide another laugh. I had never seen Percy get that way with Kate it was kind of funny for him to be playing the role of responsible big brother.

"So now that we have that matter resolved we can get back to the business at hand," I said. "Does anyone have anymore ideas?" I asked. No one raised a hand. How were we supposed to defeat magic when we had none? We adjourned the meeting because no one had anymore ideas. I was racking my brain trying to find a solution with out the use of magic. I went to my room and scribbled down notes for some possible ideas but none would work. I heard a knock at my door.

"Hey wise girl, just bringing you a cookie," Percy said in a light tone.

"Come in," I shouted. He opened the door and came in.

"You okay?" He asked handing me my cookie.

"Yeah, I just..." my voice trailed off.

"I know, it sucks. I don't particularly want to be kidnapped again either," He said looking down at his hands.

"I just don't want to lose you again, I can't think of anything that would work."

"I know you're trying and maybe we can't avoid it but we will find each other again, I promise," He said wrapping an arm around me. "I love you Annabeth," He said and he kissed me on the cheek.

I looked up at him but he wasn't there anymore. He disappeared. I screamed out his name. I fell to my knees and sobbed his name but nothing came in response. I felt like my heart was just ripped out of my chest. I screamed again and Leo came rushing in carrying his hammer and his expression changed from surprised to mournful. He somehow knew what happened and kneeled down to hug me. Everyone eventually trickled in. Piper came in crying to because she couldn't find Jason anywhere. Everything felt numb.

I was going to kill Roweena with my bare hands. Kidnap my boyfriend and she'll get what is coming to her.

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