Trust Is A Difficult Thing 24.

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Annabeth's P.O.V.

While Kate and I got ready to go into the scary warehouse I saw Logan steal away a moment with her. I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. They were such a cute couple.

"Come back this time Okay?" Logan said giving her a hug. Then he kissed her on her forehead. Kate whispered something in his ear that made him blush and then she kissed him, like a real kiss. I could barely contain my excitement for them. "Yeah, you definitely have to come back this time," Logan said after the kiss. Kate laughed at him and tightened her belt that held her sword. I stuffed some food in my pockets and we were off. We said our goodbyes in the parking lot. We found our way back to the stone to figure out where to enter. We eventually found a large person sized hole near the corner of the warehouse. Annabeth and I squeezed our way in because it was mostly covered with sand. We came up into a large dark room that I didn't remember from the times I was here with my aunt. I felt out a step in front of me but then I tried to take another step and Kate tugged on my shoulder to tell me to stop.

"Shhhh! There might be motion sensors or land mines or something!" She said in a hushed tone.

"Right, I guess I just want to find Percy and get out of here now, where's the flash light?" I asked.

"Right here in my pocket, hold on a sec," she said fumbling for the flash light. "Right, there we go," And suddenly a beam illuminated the room. Unfortunately the room was filled with a lot of tiny spiders. I screamed at the top of my lungs and then the spiders started to move toward me.

"Holy shit! Annabeth calm down I'm going to need your help," she said distressed. I wanted to help Kate but after Arachne I could barely look at another spider without getting a panic attack.

"I can't," I answered falling back into a corner and sliding down the wall.

"Annabeth you have to, I can't do this alone," She said drawing her sword and swatting some spiders out of the way.

"I can't," I answered closing my eyes. Kate was starting to get rushed with spiders. Soon her hair , face, and body were covered in spiders.

"Annabeth, get of your ass and be a hero!" Kate said fighting off the spiders.

"I can't," I answered again. I heard a scream and the familiar rush of water. It was unlike anything I have ever seen from Kate. She was floating on her own water stage and her eyes were glowing green. She thrust her hands forward and the spiders all drowned in her water. She collapsed on the ground heaving.

"Kate are you  okay?" I said crawling up to her.

When she caught her breath she gave me a murderous expression, "No thanks to your ass! I was nearly killed!" She said.

"I-I kn-know. I was just afraid," I said.

"You don't think I was? Annabeth, I understand you are afraid of  spiders but I needed you and you weren't there." She said her face dreary and wet with sea water.

"I know, I couldn't help it," I said looking down. If Percy were here he would've gotten mad at me but I know he would forget it eventually. Kate wasn't like Percy, she could hold a grudge. If she trusted you and you failed Kate she would become very wary of you. She was like a  farrel cat who doesn't really like people, I can't blame her. Everyone she trusted either disappeared or let her down and now I was one of those people. "Did you get bit?" I asked concerned.

"Whatever, we have to keep moving," she said pulling herself up and wringing out her shirt. I felt so bad, I was supposed to be a hero and I shied away from helping my friend. I followed Kate out of the room into a large chasm. "Great, how are we going to get out of this on?" Kate said.

"Are those strings hanging from the ceiling?" I asked.

"Does it look like I know?" Kate said.

"They are, Kate do you have monkey bars experience?" I asked.

"Yes, do you have sliding experience?" Kate retorted.

"Shut up, we are going to swing from string to string." I said.

"Now you've gone completely insane, Annabeth those are strings not ropes! How do you expect it to hold our weight?" Kate said flabbergasted.

"Kate we have rope, You are the smallest you could get across and string this rope across for me to climb on." I said.

" Fine, next time you get to do the dangerous stuff," and with that she grabbed the end of the rope and put it between her teeth and jumped miraculously holding onto the string. "Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit," she mumbled as she crossed the chasm hanging on the strings.

"You still got the rope?" I asked as she made the jump to the other side.

"Yes, hold on, let me tie it to something on my end and you do the same." I followed her directions and tied my end to a large metal pillar, and hoped for it to hold. Here goes nothing, I though as I clung to the rope and headed for the chasm. I scooted my way across the chasm and Kate grabbed my hand when I got close to help me get on the ground. We strode in silence as we walked into the next room. There was nothing in there but bumps on the floor but then the thought came to me, land mines.

"I know what to do," Kate said.

"What, they don't teach a class about how to avoid land mines?" I said.

"No, I figured it out myself. Land mines are always set up in a pattern even if they aren't meant to be. Jus t give me some time," she said looking at the land mines with enthusiasm. After about thirty minutes I heard Kate jump up and say, "I got it!"

"What's the pattern?" I asked excited to get out of this room.

"I can't describe it, follow my lead. Jump where I jump." She said and I wasn't excited anymore because she wasn't exactly reassuring with her response. She jumped to the left and then to the side of her, so I did the same. It went on like that for another ten minutes before we got to the door without being blown up. My enthusiasm was clearly cut short by a small metal door in the front of Kate and I.

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