Not Everyone is Who You Think They Are 23.

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Leo's P.O.V.

"Are you sure we should be traveling into an abandoned warehouse? I mean this is like that predictable part in a horror movie when everyone dies," I said nervous to enter a horror movie give away spot.

"Dude, man up. I deal with worse than this on a daily basis," Dean said behind the wheel of the impala.

"I do too, that doesn't make it any easier," I mumbled as Sam, Dean, and Charlie got out of the car. We were in the middle of a beach parking lot and everyone was gathering around Annabeth for the plan. Kate wasn't there, probably scoping the place out before we enter.

"So once Kate get's back I'll know if everyone is going in or just a few. This is witchcraft so it can be sensitive," Annabeth said very weary. She hasn't been sleeping much but then again neither has Piper or Kate.

"Speak of the Devil," Dean said as Kate walked up to us in her favorite  brown, leather jacket, her sword Tyson made her at her side. That blade was always mysterious and she never used it unless we were going to do something important. Tyson made it special for her with a hilt that depicted waves on a beach, she never shared the name of the blade with anyone though, which made some campers suspicious at camp halfblood.

"Here's the deal, I found a stone with some ancient writing on it, it's not Latin or Greek. I have no freaking idea what it is." Kate said with a disappointed tone.

"Maybe we can do something about that?" Charlie said.

Next thing you know Dean was praying to Cas and he showed up in an instant.

"What is the problem?" Cas asked in his husky tone. Cas was great but I could never keep a straight face around him, he's so serious I can't handle it. I just have to make a joke and I almost did until Piper stepped on my foot to shut me up. I can't take it, must make joke, I thought as Cas's trench coat floated in the wind. I held my tongue long enough to get to the strange rock Kate was telling us about.

"So, Castiel, you're an angel right?" I asked.

"Yes, I am," He answered confused.

"I was wondering, since angels watch over humans do you like see all our gross habits?" I could barely say with a straight face.

"Habits like?" He looked even more confused.

"Like do you see people, you know?" I asked.

"You know? What do I know?" He said. Annabeth came over and punched me in the arm to tell me to shut up so I did because her punch really hurt. I guess I'll have to carry on this conversation later.

"Cas, come over here," Dean said addressing Cas. Cas lumbered over to Dean's side and looked at the stone critically.

"This is enochian," Cas said stating the obvious.

"I know Cas, can you read it?" Dean said frustrated.

"I can, yes."

"Then read it!" Dean said exhausted with Cas. After a little under thirty seconds he came up and said, "It says that a murderer, a witch, a child of Athena, and a thief can enter, but beware if magic isn't used it will have dire consequences on the quest, two may go in but four must come out," Cas said with concern.

"How does that even work? It just said four different people have to go inside." Charlie said.

"No, not nessisarily, you could be a theif and a murderer," Logan said.

"All i know is I'm not using magic. I'll pay that price, whatever it is. I'm going because of the witch and thief thing, what child of Athena wants to come?" Kate said ready to get a move on.

"What, you aren't a thief Kate, what are you talking about?" Piper said.

"Course I am, who do you think get's you guys extra candy every week? How did the Stoll's figure out how to take from the Ares cabin? What do you think I'm always wearing a jacket for?" Kate said with a raised eyebrow. Everyone looked surprised but then not so much because it kind of makes sense.

"What? My cabin got blamed for that!" I said.

"Sorry bro, you guys were the easiest to blame it on," Kate said with a shrug. I furrowed my brow.

"Wait we still need a murderer," Piper said.

"We got one, Annabeth do you want to come or would you rather send Logan?" Kate said changing the subject. Everyone got quiet to the realization, even Annabeth looked shocked. "Come on, which of you is coming with me?" Kate insisted, ignoring the stares.

"I'll go," Logan said stepping up.

"No Logan it's too dangerous, besides Percy's in there," Annabeth said getting out of her shock.

"Settles it then, Annabeth let's gear up. We don't know how long this is going to take." With that we all headed back to the car to help them get ready.

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