03 - Neris - Musing for an Awakening

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Wearing a bitter grin, Neris pondered her predicament. On the one hand, she had been reunited with the man responsible for guiding her on the path of self-fulfillment and stealing her heart. On the other was a woman whose nature and passions rivaled her own while at the same time offering her a new perspective on her black-clawed paramour. On top of it all, her brother stood with his fevered machinations, spurned onwards by delusions of grandeur and visions of a magical adviser. The people of the village, including their elders, had humored all of this. Yet it only served to entwine and complicate matters between Neris, Elis, and their dozing third wheel.

Still staring at the door, Neris settled herself on the table, taking extra care not to disturb the man who slumbered on its padded surface. She turned her gaze from the door to the sleeper, letting out a short sigh. Everywhere in his wake, he seemed to drag around an impending sense of change in a dreamlike glamor. Her heart skipped as she walked her right hand up the table and let it rest on his left appendage, her fingers dancing on the mottled black skin of what most would describe as a claw. To many, it was his most striking feature and one to be feared. But she had never been afraid of him and had never thought it was what stood out most.

"You're like barbs to the heart, you know that?" Neris cooed, compassion showing in her red-brown eyes, her smile softening. "The least you could do is wake up for me. Let me see those beautiful eyes of yours." She knew better than to get ahead of herself with longing, but it was hard with him so close by. Given his withered condition upon being found, she was not surprised that he had not recovered yet. His features reminded her of the bodies found around the bazaars of the far Aluran dunes, skin weathered into leather by the dryness of the sands and the blistering heat. But she knew that would have little effect on the Virage. Despite how quickly he was recovering, she could not bear the wait. Even more, spending time looking after him with Elis had made matters more complex as the two of them looked onward with unknowing hearts. Suffering from the same muddling she could accuse Elis of bearing, Neris reflected on her situation as she closed her hand around his claw.

Neris had spent the better part of the previous month with the older talvuo woman. Elis was over thrice her age, hailing from a people who had perfected their bodies. Despite that, she had found that the Hyunisti 's hermit was also an outsider and shared much in common. From their shared stories of tragedy and harsh times to their intrigues and pleasures, they were extremely compatible. Seducing her was a feat greater than it had been with any of the village's pale-skinned, hazel-haired common folk. In the end, perhaps they had charmed each other, though Neris liked to think it was her who had been instrumental in their pairing.

But in all her scheming and mischief, she had never suspected that one of their late-night forays would merge around a singular event. Elis had taken many lovers in her long years, but only two had ever given her heart pause. Neris could boast a bigger number, but only one had tugged at her heartstrings. A young man and a grown man, one kind and genial, the other dark and commanding. Both dirty blondes, both with eyes that were icy blue yet separated by a gap that was all but impossible. The face Elis had worn when she saw their recovering patient, the restless nights she had spent, and the quiet, confused words she whispered when she thought no one else was listening all pointed to a confounding conclusion, which gave even Neris second thoughts. Then again, what was impossible for others was possible for him. If only that impossibility hadn't been a painful splinter in her most recent relationship, everything would have been perfect.

Still, she couldn't imagine the strangeness that had overtaken her newest paramour upon discovering the Virage's identity. Much less could she find grounds to empathize with Elis. No history or impossibility clouded her judgment. Furthermore, the impending consequences were both exciting and enticing.

"You know, she's waiting for you to awaken as well," Neris said, continuing her monologue as she raised her other hand to caress his leg. She grinned as her black fingers danced over his white skin. "She has no idea what to do with herself, and you're just letting her dwell while you slumber. It's bad form to make such a brilliant woman wait, don't you think? I can only do so much to ease a torn heart, my dear."

Neris knew he couldn't hear her, given his state. If the medicine had its intended effect, he would be in a deep slumber that only a different concoction could wake him from. Even then, she knew there was very little that could have any real effect on his internal biology. Disease and poison could induce the worst of their symptoms in him, but before long, his body would heal and become immune. Medicine and benign concoctions would have their desired effects but only served to quicken his recovery. As such, Neris had administered several of her potions over the past few days, knowing the intended effect was to placate Elis and her own frazzled nerves. She knew he would awaken as soon as his body had finished mending itself, and when he did, she would be waiting.

She brought his hand to her lips, taking the tip of a clawed finger in her mouth and caressing it with her lips and tongue. Then she lowered it to her lap, a shiver of anticipation running down her frame as the black mass twitched ever so slightly in her hands. She would need to get things ready for the evening if she was to continue her vigil and pursue other impish delights. Likewise, she had to be prepared just in case her brother attempted to do anything drastic.

With a deep sigh, Neris rose from the table and resumed her preparations.

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