53 - Neris - Last Preparations Before the Descent

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Neris knew better than to leave Elis alone after divulging so much. The woman had bided her grief with anger, and if left alone, she was apt to act rashly. If there was to be any hope of avoiding further tragedy, they had to escape before whatever planned devilry was enacted. She knew Elis wouldn't wait for long. Neris just hoped she was fast enough to quell the flames raging in her lover's heart.

Strolling across the walkway between the infirmary and the great tree, Neris spied some talvuo gathered at the side. They were looking down at the forest floor below. Some whispered prayers while others shook their heads. She glanced down as she passed, catching the outline of a male body crumpled on the ground far below. Kadin had left as she slept, and though she couldn't confirm it, she knew the dead man was none other than that weasel. No one else in the village had cause to make so grand an exit, though she wondered what had driven him to it. Was it the horrors of the previous night, or had someone or something else inspired him? She would never know.


A porter bowed his head as he carried several stacked stools, leaning them against his frame to manage the column. Neris bowed her head in return as she pressed on, entering the Hyunisti great tree's main hall. Others moving about addressed her and then took their leave, busy with the required ornaments and furniture. Almost all of the hall's innards had been cleared and taken to the great circle outside. Many more were being dragged out of unused rooms for the ceremony.

"Ne vindal!" a dark voice much like her own said from the moving center. Nerin had been speaking with the elders of the village as they coordinated the last arrangements. She waved to the source of the voice, taking her leave upstairs. "Aw, leaving already, Neris?"

"Changing for the occasion, ne vivahr." Neris was cold as she exited, her red orbs fixed on his. Just like the previous night, there was no want or yearning in his eyes. "Pray don't wait for me. I may be indisposed for a bit."

"There will be a seat for you, ne vindal," Nerin said as she disappeared into the hallway. The fact he did not chase her or command her presence was damning in and of itself.

"We're missing a basin. Are there any down below?" a female porter called up the winding passage as Neris passed, holding three large serving basins in her arms.

"I'll search the lower storage. They need to start filling them!"

The image of four women squeezing themselves out into a bunch of serving basins was laughable. Four talvuo women were supposed to provide for a village of a couple hundred or so. Perhaps that was part of the mystery.

"Excuse me, vindal."

Neris pressed herself to the wall as two men carried Nerin's bedroom bench downward. If she didn't know better, she'd think they were clearing the whole place out. At least all the transfer was taking time, giving her precious moments of preparation. With the crowd gathering outside, it would not be long.

Evading the other movers, Neris entered her room and shut the door. To her chagrin, several of her own articles had been moved. The nightstand was missing, along with her day table, chairs, bench, and even the stool for her vanity. Despite the treatment of the furniture and tossed belongings, nothing else seemed to be missing.

On this most special of days, Neris had at one time planned to be as provocative as she could. What fun was a spring ceremony that celebrated the fruit of women's breasts if she showed up prim and proper? But that was before she expected things to turn nasty.

Opening her tiny armoire, Neris drew out the leather jacket that she had worn in her time of banditry and fighting. Along with it she drew out the hardened cuirass that fit over the front, along with the dirty leggings from the day prior. Beneath it she would wear her silks and pageantry. She would don her blouse for good fun and wear what little protection she had over it. If everything went well, it would all be for naught, though that was an ill expectation.

Just like her vestments, she fetched up her knives and studied them with care. She hadn't cut or thrown with them in a long time, other than to scare her brother or amuse a bedroom guest. It was a wonder that her combat wear hadn't been taken during the raid on her room. Perhaps Nerin had not overseen it. After all, the entire procession was nothing more than a bunch of disarrayed talvuo feeling helpful.

Sitting on her bed, Neris flopped back on the mattress. Taking a deep breath, she reveled in the lingering scent of lovers past as they wafted from the satin sheets. She was finally going to do what she should've done a long time ago.

They were running away together.

She was finally leaving Nerin behind.

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