19 - Neris - Sultry Sweet and Tart

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"I could have told you she would react poorly to that," Davnian said as Neris sat near his head, replacing her breast. The task was difficult given how tight she had made the weaving, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. She attempted to ignore his suggestion that perhaps she had been too forward. Yet given recollections of how lost in romance Elis was when discussing their mutual partner, she was open to reconsider. "Did you think I was protesting out of sheer kindness?"

"Shyness perhaps, though I've only ever seen you with one other woman," Neris said, thinking back to the days when she knew more than a pair of her tribal bloodline. "Though she was much more brazen than either the Renai woman or me. Either way, it wasn't as if you denied my advance."

"I don't mean to berate. I'm sorry, Neris," Davnian said, irking her senses. Apologies were not becoming of the Virage. She knew he had a gentle side, and perhaps that part was exaggerated by his current absentmindedness. "I'll stop apologizing if that makes you feel better."

"Hmmm?" Neris conveyed a scowl in her voice as she looked down at him, her face calm and composed.

"So, I assume you will be more receptive to my prodding," he began, gesturing with his claw beside her.

"Why not skip the appetizer when you can just have the main course?" Neris asked, downplaying the quizzical look he was shooting her and watching as his eyes narrowed at her suggestion. Based on his crooked grin, her humor and charm were not lost on his sensibilities.

"We'll have plenty of time for decadent servings after I've had my fill of more pragmatic things," Davnian said. The way his mood adjusted to match hers was almost perfect, enough so to forgive his previous demeanor.

"Where do you wish to begin then?" Neris whispered, teasing his bare shoulders with her hands.

"I recognize you; that much I'm certain of. I understand there's more there than just allusions and imagery and know there's more between us than we can go into now. I need you to tell me where we are, why we're here, what you know about Elis, and anything else you think is necessary."

"That's a great demand from an invalid," Neris said mockingly, running her hand beneath the linens and over his chest. "What do I get in return?"

"Aside from my everlasting appreciation?" Davnian's voice fell flat as her furry black ears arched. She enjoyed this side of him immensely, and his sudden snap to being so pointed and direct was elating. "Humor me."

"Well then, let's begin," Neris said, standing up.

Walking over to the countertop, she grabbed a draught of water for herself and then sat on the table opposite Davnian. She watched as he leaned over, grunting as he twisted in place.

"Where we're at is hard for me to place exactly, from what I remember of maps and such somewhere firmly in the northern Gran-voren. From Nerin's ramblings, he claims we're in old Emri lands from before the rise of the Grannas Demesne to the south."

"Emri?" Davnian said, his eyes shifting as thoughts raced before him. Neris nodded, taking a drink from her cup. "So, we're in the Witchwood then?"

"I've heard of it, but aside from the large beasts and trees, I've seen nothing of clinging mists or the like. The only things around otherwise are these peculiar talvuo, who lust for warm outsiders' loins." Neris played coy, seeing what she could do to spark an interest in her puissant lover.

"Knowing what I do of you, I'm sure you've taken great advantage of that," he said playfully. Neris knew he was saying what she wanted to hear, playing his part in their game. "Tell me then, is that how Elis enters into this?"

"Very perceptive," Neris said. "Though honestly, I had little to do with our initial pairings. You see, this wild woman was roaming around the village one moment, child in tow. The next, she was upon me, asking my name, gawking at my attire, giving me suggestive advances."

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