64 - Elis - Misery's End

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She didn't scream, and she didn't cry. Watching as the twin spears punctured Neris's armored body, Elis did the only thing that she could do and raised her twistblade above her head. Her eyes filled with vengeance as she brought the barbed mess downward. The barbs and wires ensnared and coiled about the roaring monster, the tips of the spindled metal digging deep into the creature. With a manic visage of triumph and sadistic euphoria, the Thaimi-thing looked at her with its dead green eyes. As it opened its mouth to unleash further torrents, Elis closed the latch on her heirloom.

With a nearly inaudible hiss, the springs retracted with unforeseen speed. One moment they ensnared the monster, and the next they writhed within Elis's hands. As the insatiable metal came to a halt, the creature's face emptied. Particles of meat and bone evaporated into the air as chunks of flesh and organ meal sloshed upon the grassy ground. Curling upon itself, the audacious thing's spine and skull teetered on the edge of fragmenting as it fell to the sticky mass below. For moments that stretched into eternity, Elis stood. Then, following a gasp from her wounded lover, she returned to the present.

"Elis," Neris said, coughing as she lay pinned to the ground.

"Neris." Elis almost dropped her weapon as she put one foot forward.

"No, don't get any closer," Neris hissed as she fought back pain.

Confusion overcame Elis's features as she watched Neris struggle. Then the spears shrank. In Neris's belly and chest, the invisible mass displaced parts of the woman's body as the cavities swelled. With a scream, Elis lashed at the remainder of the exposed material.

"I think this is it, Elis," Neris said, her chest heaving as she laughed. No blood spilled from her body. No red patches grew. The thing they had killed together was still tormenting them. No, it was still alive. Tears welling in her eyes, Elis's knees gave way. "Elis, get up on one of those horses and get out of here. Please, you have to."

"W-why . . ." Elis stammered. Everything was gone. What more remained in this cruel world? "Why, Neris? Why—"

"You have to get out of here, Elis!" Neris fought back bile and pain as her breathing became irregular. "Gods, Elis, run, gods damn you! Use your wits! Leave me!"

"No more." Elis couldn't bear it anymore.

"Gods, you insufferable blond bitch," Neris said, trying to spite her, but Elis knew that play. "Oh, gods no."

Neris's form lurched upon the ground, rolling over upon itself. Her face streaked with tears, Elis watched in horror as Neris's body moved against her will, crawling toward her.

"I can't . . . Elis, go," Neris begged. The woman's rust-colored eyes widened as a demented look overcame her. Only her mouth and arched hound ears betrayed the host's horror as the thing crawled toward her. "Elis . . . Elis, I . . ."

"I'm sorry, Neris. I can't," Elis said, dropping her twistblade. "It's not you. It's not."

As Neris's body loomed over her, Elis saw the manic look disappear from her visage. At once she wore a calm and compassionate look, the horror from her lips fighting against a warmer disposition. Her hound ears slumped as she leaned forward.

"Elis . . ." Neris's voice was warm and welcoming as the last vestments of horror eroded from her smile. Elis couldn't help but smile as the woman drew close. There was a bated breath between them as Elis readied to welcome what remained of Neris. The warmth of the other woman was real as her face drew close. Elis could taste her breath. She closed her eyes, waiting for the darkness to engulf her.

Suddenly, the shadow of Neris was ripped from her, followed by a gasp. Opening her eyes, Elis watched as a dark silhouette reached down and clenched its left hand around the dark-haired woman's head. As Neris went to scream, she fumbled for a loose dagger and lashed out at the tattered man holding her in place. Grabbing her weapon, Elis rose to help the possessed woman. But as Neris's arm lashed out at none other than Davnian, he disarmed her. In that same instant, and without a hint of remorse, he grabbed the falling dagger and plunged it into Neris's chest.

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