15 - Davnian - Davnian Wakes Up

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Davnian laid there for what seemed like an eternity. His body was numb. At first he appeared to be still trapped within the dream. However, as he meditated on the moment, he felt a distinct attachment to his physical limitations, becoming sure of his corporeal form. Shifting within his head, his mind wandered as he attempted to obtain a firmer grasp on reality. He felt the shallow in and out of his breathing. As he focused, he picked up on the faint crispness of the air as it penetrated his nostrils and flowed down his throat. The coolness seeped into his lungs. From there, he could extrapolate the expansion and compression of his torso with each breath. Like a faint drum, his heart beat deep within.

As he let go of the simple harmony of his breathing, his mind adjusted to oncoming sensations. Though his eyes were closed, he sensed a soft glow emanating from near his feet. A trickle of warmth crept along his exposed skin. As the bright rays inched up his covered body and reached his head, a damp coldness on his face contrasted with his warming flesh. Something in the back of his mind nagged him. The reason for his drying tears was there, but try as he might, the visages that caused him such grief were unreachable by his waking mind.

[Focus,] a voice hissed inside, snapping him back to reality. [Now is not the time.]

Unsatisfied with his current accomplishments, he concentrated. With all his might, he inhaled as deeply as he could. As he took in the fresh air, he paid careful attention to what aromas and smells he could pick up on. First there was nothing worth mentioning as his sense of smell was overtaken by the coldness of the air. He held it in for a moment and then let go to try again. This time he took a deep, measured breath, making sure to catch even the faintest of odors. The light fragrance of wildflowers was the first to assail his sense-deprived brain, followed by the distinct smell of bark and leaves. As he continued his intake, he picked up on more distinct aromas: smoke and ash, nuts, and cooked meat. The menagerie was enough to make his dry mouth water as he took a moment to savor it.

Several minutes passed as Davnian sampled every new bouquet and stench that entered his curious nose. However, odors, temperature, and an internal sense of being were losing their appeal. He was growing increasingly impatient. He wanted to break free of his paralysis and begin using the rest of his capabilities. As he wracked his brain, his hearing homed in on the whispers of people and the forest outside. Unappreciative of his newest gift, he struggled to pry off the chains binding his other senses. He wanted to use his eyes, but they remained shut despite his protests. He wanted to taste, but despite the faint trickle of saliva within, his tongue and throat were dry and unresponsive. Furthermore, his extremities were unaccepting of any command he could postulate.

Frustrated, he let out an angry hiss of air while contemplating how he was going to make his body obey. If it didn't wake up soon, he feared he'd be tempted to fall back asleep.

[We wouldn't want that.] The faintest whisper of the other's voice echoed in his head as he struggled with his incapability. The words made his insides tremble, a nervous shiver of muscular tension rippling throughout his frame. The faintest trembling of his muscles was itself exhausting, causing him to break into a cold sweat.

Then, there it was. More than the soft glow of what he could only assume was the morning sun, Davnian felt the warm touch of another's skin upon him, caressing his left hand. Something about the sensation was calming as recollections of familiar archaic words worked through his thoughts. It dawned upon him that somewhere beside him was another person. With that idea in mind, he gained renewed strength to attempt to open his eyes.

As he struggled, he found the dim ambience of the room too much for eyes that had just adjusted to seeing the filtered redness of his eyelids. The building brightness of the rising sun was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Fighting against every protective reflex he possessed, he forced his squinting eyes open just enough to see.

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