Types of jealousy

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Type 1: Tusndere

"Why are you ignoring me..." I whined as I ran behind Lucas, he was speed walking away from me and I didn't know why.

Of course knowing him when he's mad talking wasn't an option, he never likes talking whenever he's mad because he knows he'll end up yelling at me which he feels bad for.

And this resulted in! Me chasing after him like we're children playing tag!

"Lucas!" I yelled panting as he finally came to a stop.

This guy! What does he want!

"Stop running you'll fall." Lucas told me as he turned around, his voice sounded strained which further confirmed that he was mad.




Are you kidding me!?

Your mad at me, for running after you. WHEN YOUR RUNNING AWAY!?

"If you weren't running in the first place I wouldn't be chasing after you!" I yelled as he groaned ruffling his messy raven hair, of course this dude has no flaws. Like messy hair is supposed to make you look ugly or less appealing, but no. No. No! This guy looks hotter with his hair in a mess!

"Why were you talking to him like that?" Lucas asked me sounding very irritated.

"Who and like what?" I questioned as Lucas seemed hesitant to tell me, he was tapping his feet against the floor looking at me then looking away then looking at me again.

"That white dog." Lucas told me as I just stared at him blankly not understanding why he was mad.

I just talked to ijekiel... Was I too close to him? Won't that mean Lucas is... 

"Are you jealous?" I asked as a evil idea appeared in my head.

"N-no...." Lucas replied not looking at me, lie!

"Your so jealous!" I exclaimed a smile forming on my face.

"Awe! Is my boyfriend jealous I talked to another guy?" I teased probably pushing buttons I shouldn't have if I valued my life.

Type 2: Alpha

"Jealous? Why should I be jealous over a fucking boy?" Lucas spoke his tone completely changing as I felt goosebumps rise on my skin.

"A mere boy cannot make you feel how I can." Lucas asked me as he started walking towards me.

Retreat! Aboard plan!

I turned around planning to run as Lucas grabbed my arm yanked me back and wrapped his arms around my waist immobilizing me and trapping me.

"Do you know how much self control it takes to be around you?" Lucas asked as I felt his breath fanning my neck.

"Sometimes it makes me wanna throw you onto the bed and have my way with you not letting you walk for days."

"Or tie you up so that you would be mine, and only mine. A sight only for me to see."

Lunatic, absolutely crazy! Remind me why am I dating this.... Psychopath!

"L-lucas! Let go!" I complained as I struggled trying to escape from his grip, in all my wiggling trying to get out I felt something behind me....

"I can feel your thing!" I continued to shout as a hue of red came into my face.

"It's exactly how you make me feel athanasia, I can't control it, it has a mind of its own around you." Lucas whispered as I was practically melting into him.

"T-this is sexual harassment!" I retorted mustering all the energy I could into not becoming a hot mess.

"Is it now? Would you like to arrest me athanasia?" Lucas suggested before he chuckled.

"Or would you rather I arrest you?"

Type 3: Innocent

Nope nope nope nope! I'm too young to die!

In one swift motion I stepped on his foot making him welp in pain releasing me.

"Ow..." He whined sitting on the floor as I puffed up my cheeks.


"Athanasia..." He called with such sincerity that even though I knew I was getting tricked I still looked at him anyway.

"I'm sorry..."

Damn those puppy eyes! Infact damn those red eyes!

"I took it too far" Lucas sat there on the floor not picking himself up as I looked at him.

"Athanasia... I'm sorry..." Lucas apologized with a pouting face.

Wait no- Why does he just need to have a pretty face!

"I-It's fine." I told him as I sighed, why was I weak against pretty faces.

"Do you forgive me?" Lucas asked.

Okay how do you expect me to mad at him! He looks like a tiny adorable puppy!

I sat down beside Lucas, if anyone came in right now this would be a strange scene. Two people sitting on the floor when the couch was right beside them.

"Yes..." I said as I leaned on him feeling a little bit tired.

"Are you tired?" Lucas asked me as I nodded my eyes closing on me, I felt his hand on my head slowly stroking it and sometimes running his hand down my hair.

  Is this why he always wanted me to play with his hair? It feels strangely... Calming ...

Lucas seemed amused as he carefully stood up making sure I didn't bonk my head on the floor as he squatted Infront of me with his back facing me,  carefully positioning me to wrap my arms around his neck as he held my legs giving me a piggy back.

"Come on, let's get some sleep." Lucas told me as he carried me up the stairs into our room while smiling.

"Sweet dreams."

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