Dancing partners

354 12 18

  "One, two, three, four."

"Two, two, three, four. Twirl and done!" The teacher clapped her hands.

"At least the blood of her proves to be effective. You're a textbook example."

I heard Lucas chuckling in the background, mocking me. Ugh! Does he need to act like he's above everyone? Does he even know how to dance!?

"Though, I worry for your debut." The teacher folded her arms, sighing.

"Why?" I tilted my head, and she awkwardly laughed looking to the side to avoid my eye.

"You're going to dance with others your age." She put her hand at roughly my height. "It might be different." then she put her hand at her height.

Ah, right...

"Why don't you try with Lucas?" She gestured over to Lucas who was sitting at the window basking in the sunlight that was peeked through the curtains like a plant or even a lizard.

He wasn't reading, or doing anything else. He existed in this area to mock my dancing and use me as entertainment as he said and I quote 'Even infants can dance better'. For your information magician of the black tower, I am a great dancer.

"What?" He frowned looking over.

"You're her playmate, it makes sense for you two to practise together," She stated.

Lucas looked at me and contemplated. Of course, he would contemplate this... I don't want to dance with you either, you don't need to look so unwilling.

"Don't wanna." He looked away.

Hah! HAH! I rolled my eyes. "Can you even dance?"

"Duh, who do you think I am?" He snapped his head back to me so fast that I wondered if he got dizzy.

I rolled my eyes again.

"Fine." he got his lazy butt off the seat and walked over.

The teacher clapped her hands in excitement."Let's start again."

Putting one hand on his shoulder and the other intertwined with his, I jumped when his hand rested on my waist. He raised one eyebrow, amused at my shock before we intertwined our hands waiting for the teacher to tell us to begin.

"And one, two, three, four."

I moved thinking I would need to lead but he moved fine too.

"two, two, three, four."

"three, two, three, four."

Does he know how to dance? How- when did he learn!?


"When did you learn?" I questioned trying to stay on beat, surprisingly it's different when your dance with someone of similar height. Not a bad difference but not what I'm used to.

"Hey- careful with your feet."

"You're using magic," I concluded, seeing how his feet automatically dodged mine.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna have my feet stepped on."

"Look at Lucas, not your feet." The teacher informed me. I nodded looking up into his eyes.

Wow, his face is pretty. If only he had another mouth, such a waste of a pretty face. He looked serious for once, his eyes looking to the side at the teacher.

His eyes drifted back to mine before he had his signature smirk.



"Eyes up here," Lucas reminded.

I looked back up, finding it harder and harder to keep eye contact when I want to just look at the floor.

Dancing isn't supposed to feel like this, right? Isn't my feet supposed to be in pain and me focusing on not stepping on someone's feet!?

Why am I starting to feel hot? Right, because this dude is stupidly attractive.

I accidentally stepped too far making me slip, I yelped as Lucas caught me. The hand on my waist moved to wrap around it supporting my weight and I accidentally latched my arm around his neck.

Making it look like he planned to do a dip when in reality I fell.


Geez christ, my face...

He propped up back up as we continued as if nothing happened. The sound of my heartbeat thudded in my ear making my hearing sense numb to any other sound including the music and the teacher's directions.

"Well done!" The teacher clapped.

We both stood in a daze for a few moments.


The teacher's second call snapped me out of it as I loosened my hold on his shoulder and waited for him to get his hand off but he froze while looking at me, his eyes blank with no thought.

"Lucas?" I called

He blinked. "Yeah?"

"We're done."

"Right." He retracted his hands letting them rest at his sides.

"Let's end our lesson today, your feet must be tired," The teacher said, she packed up her bag and left.

We stood there in awkward silence.

"Would you like magic dancing shoes?" Lucas questioned.

"You can do that!?"

He gave a cocky look, of course...

"Can I have a pair?" I asked, putting on the puppy's eyes face.

He took one look at my expression and scoffed. "Don't wanna."


You bloody dirtbag.

"Why not!"

"Just don't wanna."

"Fine, I don't need those chies anyway! I am perfectly fine on my own." I huffed turning away.

A smile made its way to my lips when I turned away, I wonder if I'll get to dance with Lucas during my debut.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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