Death won't do us part

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  "Damn it!" I cursed under my breath as I held the gun in my hands tight, 1 bullet left.

"L if your dead im going to go to hell with you then murder you again." I said over the earpiece as I disconnected it, who knows what fancy device they could use to track my location.

"Hah, hah. Hailarious." Immediately i raised the gun and turned around before i recognized who was in front of me, if im dreaming dont wake me up. Hell, let me die in my sleep for all I care.

"You're alive..." I watched as the bastard grinned with the most casual shrug. This dude is acting like he didn't not connect with me for the past 3 weeks after suddenly saying over the intercom to "Run" like he was committing some suicide mission, and did I run? Hell no. I stayed and searched for this smug ass bitch.

"Thank god.." The amount of relief that washed over me was like if someone held me at gun point and underestimated me for like the millionth time.

"Hug?" Lucas asked as I felt my eyes water while I laughed and ran to him only to smack the back of his head.

"Ouch! Dude I just made it out alive." Lucas whined as he rubbed the back of his head while I chuckled and tackled him, keeping my hands around his waist, I could hear his chuckling as he held me.

"It's okay..." Lucas told me as I felt tears coming out of my eyes against my will.

"Damn it you jerk... Jerk..."

"Jerk jerk? That's the lamest insult I've ever heard from you." Lucas replied with his normal attitude as I let him go keeping my head down not wanting him to see that I've cried.

"Can you walk? Run?" I questioned as Lucas nodded, I held his hand. I needed some sort of assurance that he was really here, that he was really alive.

"Let's go to the pick-up point, when we are safe we'll talk." I instructed while Lucas nodded.

I looked out the window of the old abandoned building which I had used as a hiding place, my eyes took a quick scan of the surroundings no one was around. I think it's safe. I gestured to Lucas telling him that it was fine to go forward.

It didn't take us long to arrive at the pick up spot, we were called the power couple for a reason.

"Hey- Oh my god, im seeing ghost." The bartender who wasn't really a bartender said as she had a mildly horrified expression.

"Yes, and im here to haunt you." Lucas went along as he chuckled, I went behind the bar opening the cellar door and going into the basement where some supplies were kept. I threw a plastic bag filled with food behind me knowing that Lucas would catch it.

"So... Explain. Now." I ordered as I sat down on a table while Lucas pulled a chair for himself, taking out a slice of bread from the plastic bag. Without a word he slid a hard drive over to me.

"I saw that when we were running away." He told me as I smiled.

"So you decided to not tell me and just let me assume you were dead?" I questioned not wanting to jump to a conclusion before I heard what the hell was going through that pea sized brain of his.

"I mean... The assumption part is your fault." Lucas said with a shrug.

"Oh? Oh. So you're not sorry for disappearing?" I questioned with a scoff in my tone.

"I'm sorry?" Lucas said in such a way that made it sound more like a question which did nothing to calm my anger.

"Do you have any idea how much you worry about me? Do you have any clue how everyone told me you died? Do you have even the slightest hint that everyone told me you sacrificed yourself for me?"

"Athanasia i swear i never meant for that to happen i thought-"

"Thought what? Thought what huh? Thought that everything would be fine without you? Thought that I would be fine not knowing if you were even alive?"

"I-I thought you were dead.... I thought I would never get to celebrate another birthday with you, would never get that adrenaline rush from fighting with you, would never get to see that smug ass face of yours."

I-I just..." I couldn't bring myself to continue to speak as I just started to cry all the pent up tears that I had been holding back.

"I wont leave like that again okay?" Lucas told me as I heard the chair drag against the floor and two arms around me.

"I'm sorry, please stop crying." Lucas said, which only brought out more tears as I let myself lean on his shoulder. I was pouting as I looked up at lucas.

"What? I apologised, what's the face for?" Lucas asked me as he chuckled while I hid my face.

"Nothing... Can we just... Stay like this for a while?" I requested Lucas stay in his place which I assumed was a yes.

"Thank you..."

"For what?" Lucas asked as I felt his hands start to play with my hair, guess he was getting bored of just standing here.

"Coming back."

"Sia, even death won't do us part."


"If you died I would die with you, if I died I'll wait for you in the afterlife."

"Why are you being all sappy?" I asked as I laughed.

"Just couldn't let me have a sappy moment could you?" Lucas questioned as I laughed even harder.

He wont leave me, i know that... So true.

Even death cant do us part.

Life- Please give this poor soul some ideas for fluff, she has no clue what shes doing.

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