Arranged marriage

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"So, how do we fool our parents that we slept together?" I sat on the same bed as my now husband, trying to stop shaking my leg.

"Put a condom packet in a bin or pretend we did it raw, that works too," He questioned back. "Are you a virgin?"

"Yes, thank dad for that."

"Then we hope they don't do a physical evaluation," Lucas concluded.

"So... how was it like with Jennette in New York?" I questioned trying to fill in the gaps of silence.

"Well, she ran off with Ijekiel." Lucas trailed off as I wanted to punch myself for forgetting.

Right, my boyfriend left for his girlfriend. To be fair, I never did like Ijekiel, I dated him so his dad would shut up.

"Right, sorry for mentioning it..."

"It's fine."

We both fell back into silence, I was digging my brain for any topic to fill it in. Sure I knew he didn't want this but I could make it work.

Does he remember a few of our childhoods?

"I'm sleeping on the couch."

"I don't mind, you know?" I said pointing to the bed. He frowned as if both weirded out and disgusted.

Way to go Athanasia! Amazing work at being a creep!

"I'll move to the bed later."

Ah, I see.

"Do you... remember anything?" I questioned, Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"No, not really. I don't even remember your name if it wasn't said like an hour ago."

"Would you... like to know? Our childhood- I mean."

"Sure, I'm not tired anyway." He sat on the couch, should I pass him a blanket?

"As a child, you knew you were adorable. And you used that to your full advantage." I giggled at the memory. Though Lucas didn't seem amused, at least he is paying attention.

"When we got caught stealing cookies, you'd sweet talk whoever caught us into letting us have more."

"Want to see some pictures? I think mum took some." I questioned taking out my phone.

I showed him my wallpaper, the two of us staring at the camera with puppy eyes and cookie crumbles all over our faces.

"Why do you have this as your wallpaper?" Lucas questions in a rather judgemental tone if I have to comment.

"Well- it's cute, don't you agree?" I gestured to my phone.

He shrugged his shoulders.

I took my phone away from his gaze, he thinks I'm a stalker, doesn't he?


"We should get some shut eye." Lucas said, putting his head down on the couch already going into a sleeping position.

I nodded lying down on the bed.

The soft ticking sound of the clock was what I focused on as I waited to try to get some sleep.

I sighed giving up on sleep as I sat up looking over at Lucas, his closed eyes made me assume he was asleep.

I got out of bed opening the cardboard on the top remembering where the extra blankets were.

The blanket was thick enough to warm him, I carried it over to his sleeping body and put it over him.

I sat on the floor with my head leaning against the couch feeling sleepy. His presence always did calm me.

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