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TW: death, blood, and mood swings

happy thanks given yall


(Clown POV)


"Uh oh," I shuddered as I turned around. Spoke quickly took my wine glass.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT HOW DARE YOU!" I yelped as Branzy jumped onto me, latching his legs around my hips and taking me down. I huffed as my back hit the wood floor harshly.

"What did I do this time?!" I whisper-shouted at him.

His nose scrunched, cheeks puffed up, and crossed his arms. "You know what you did."

He got up off me and stormed off.

"Jeez did you cheat on him or something?" Spoke helped me up and gave me back the wine glass. I took a swig, thinking deeply.

I froze as I remembered what I did.

Setting my wine glass down, I ran after Branzy.

"Branzy wait I'm sorry I swear I didn't forget!" I ran as fast as I could towards spawn until I could see Branzy. He was talking to Rek before he turned around and scowled.

"Yes you did! Otherwise, I would've seen it by now!" he huffed and I paused in my running. He walked towards me, sword in hand.

"I don't have it because I couldn't find it in stores, so I bought it online and-" I got cut off by the blood forcing its way out my throat, and a new pain in my chest. I looked up at Branzy, who had stabbed the sword into my heart.

"So you don't have it," he spoke in a low, cold tone that sent shivers throughout my whole body.

I coughed up more blood. "I-I do, I swear on my lives, Branzy! It's just not arrived in the mail yet!" I winced as the sword twisted, before being stabbed deeper and out the back.

"Then I'll take one of yours," Branzy pushed the sword until the cross guard was flush to my chest, before pulling out the sword fully.

I staggered back, coughing up blood and holding the wound, before falling backward and onto the snow. I struggled to breathe and looked up.

He smiled. Cold.

The darkness, souls, and whispers of respawn clouded my vision and hearing as I floundered to stay awake.

The last thing I felt was a soft kiss on my forehead and the cold snow on my back.


I groaned, souls of respawn trying to influence me to go back to sleep. I nearly obliged them, before I felt a cold washcloth pressed against my chest. I flinched and opened my eyes. Red met purple and I softened, red turning into brown and blue.

I sighed and lifted my hand to meet with the silver locks that hung above me. We sat like that, Branzy patting the once-white washcloth against my chest, soaking up any leftover blood from the wound,

"Let me guess," I croaked after a while. "You checked my Prime account."

He sighed. "The package arrives in two days, I-"

I moved my thumb over his lips, understanding what he was going to say.

"It's okay, I forgive you, Branzy." he smiled and leaned into my hand.

"BRANZY PIERCE-" Branzy scowled

"I-i mean- BRANZY CRAFT!" I felt Branzy relax.

"What is it this time, Red?" we both smirked.

"HOW AND WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KILL CLOWN?! THAT WAS EPIC!" I groaned and waved Reddoons off while rolling my eyes.

"Well, that's easy!"

"Branzy no"

"You just gotta either be really good,"


"Or you gotta be his boyfriend!"

"Branzy I swear to Notch, Jeb, and Dadza, I will flick you a hundred times over."

"Or you gotta marry him"

"Branzy I didn't let you kill me, my heart still hurts physically and mentally because I thought you hated me!"

Branzy turned around and smirked at me.

"Or that"



I and Branzy were walking around spawn chatting with one another. We had just eaten Thanksgiving dinner and now people were chatting and chilling.

That's until Red walked up to me.

"Clown Pierce,"

"Oh fuck."

"Will you marry me." he got down on one knee. Branzy and several other people started laughing while I and Ash both sighed unitedly.

"Please don't tell me you actually took Branzy's word of advice"

"I don't give a fuck that he's untrustworthy, will you marry me, Clown Pierce"

I slipped out my dagger. "You know to never take Branzy's word of advice, Reddoons! AND NOT I WILL NOT MARRY YOU BITCH!" I stabbed him in the shoulder 18 times, the last one slicing through. He laughed and held his shoulder, getting up.

"Worth a shot" we both cackled.


No, this is of Clowndoons, this is just red being an idiot by taking Branzy's untrustworthy advice.

And yes, Clown didn't just let Branzy kill him, because he was too fast for the bouncy boi.



oh god

I just realized

I DONT WANNA BE AN ANGSTY TEEN- (wow Grammarly does want me to be one, wooow)


If this in any way any form crosses any boundaries this one shot WILL be taken down!

As always, have a nice day/morning/evening/night, drink plenty of water and eat your GODDAMN TURKEY!

Bug bye bubblies (still sounds cringe)

(887 words) that's not that much-

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