🤍Gevechten van Snelheid

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Ehe he

I've been learning Dutch~

Also, pretty normal fic, and also short, I felt like doing a writing test just to get used to fights

And when I say this was for no particular reason, I mean it-


Just browsin on AO3 seeing Clownzy dueling-

That's it-

Not me having 5 other fics in the drafts-

Also I feel like I gotta make these better and descriptive- so it may not be actually that short XDDDD

Oh also blood mentions cuz Dey fite

(IvoryCello's POV) (:0 new person what?!)

I huffed as I leaned on the dark oak counter. ClownPierce looked over at me. He had his mask off - something you'd rarely see, ever.

This is, unless you were Rasplin (his twin), Branzy (his lover), or me, which I have the glorious privilege of his respect and trust.

(Doly can also - and actually has - seen his face, as well as a few others, but we don't talk about that)

His long, fluffy hair was a near-black brown. He had it pulled back into a low ponytail, and it waves down to his waist. Freckles scattered his pale, rosy skin, and his mix-matched eyes sparked curiosity. His right was a fire-brown, so bright it seemed orange, while his other was a cool blue - almost like water. He too was leaning against the railing, with his elbows supporting his back. He wore a plain, cool-grey T-shirt, a black hoodie wrapping around his waist. Below that was a pair of jet-black skinny jeans, held up by a light leather belt, and grey combat boots. Chains laced around his outfit, with his neck, boots, and belt being shown to be occupied by the loud jewelry.

I, on the other hand, had my rosy white, short hair pulled up in a bun-like updo. I fiddled my pale hands around, stimming myself. I had a pale-pink, off the shoulders Lolita dress on, which went down to my  knees. A baby pink ribbing was wrapped around my waist, helping to poof up the dress a bit. I had my knee-high combat boots on. My shoulders and the right side of my neck had rose tattoos on the soft, pale skin. A pink vine tattoo trained down my right cheek from my eye to my chin. Over my right eye was a rose eye-patch, and my head held a nice white headband with white horns, the tips of which faded into baby pink. My back held a pair of large, pearly white wings.

I rested my chin in my hand, and looked up at the shop in front of us.

Yellow florescent lights illuminated the various weapons on the tall, 20 meter-long back wall, both ancient and new. Just from first looks, I can spot daggers, spears, throwing knives, swords - long, short, gladiator, etc. - bows, scythes, harpoons, lances, halberds (think glorified, weaponized axes), ninja throwing spike things, fishing rods, and crossbows.

On the side walls, each being almost 3-4 meters deep, contained different, useful items. The right wall included potions - strength, speed, invis, etc. - grenades and guns (something most servers have banned for a good reason), totems, buckets of lava, water, and milk, gapples, god apples, fireworks, pearls, arrows, and food - mainly steak and bread.

Meanwhile, the left wall contained crystals, obsidian + other blocks like glow stone and slime, "respawn" anchors, elytra, and enchantment spell books. The spell books were all written in "runes", or what were actually pigpen ciphers. Easier to read than enchantment, and has less of an effect, but it still works. There were about 8 books, all explaining the different enchantment runes you can do. Now THESE required some knowledge of enchantment, as it could be easily fucked up if done wrong.

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