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Sorry for not posting at all this summer lol, I've been super art and writing block hence the lack of postage (?)

Also, I put this idea on Clown's discord and people legitimately thought it actually happened on a stream or smth XDDDDDD

I have proof

I just can't give you it lol

Anyways onto ze VERY short ONESHOT (tbh this is just a filler for rn)

Also because yes, this is going to be in the circus AU (the one I did a while back)

(Branzy's POV)

I hummed Entry of the Gladiators to myself as I strutted around. After my big 'grande' reveal, I'd started to become more popular, more and more kids wanting to talk to me and even more parents apologizing for them. You know, the typical.

Every once n a while stuff would happen, whether it'd be Pierce getting stuck hanging upside down on the aerial silk (which we ended up adding that addition to our 'lore' we have [because yes, the fans love lore for... some reason I suppose]), or just plainly getting slapped by parrot (a common occurrence off-stage now a days).

It doesn't matter if he's happy, sad, angry, if you did something wrong or if you didn't, he just really likes slapping people Gordon Ramsey style. No idea why.

Rumors have it he's slaps you because he can't bite you, and biting you shows affection according to Parrot theoriology or some shit like that. I like to think he's just angry all the time.

I snorted to myself, despite the people around me (I was in a plain black hoodie with the hood up, covering my fadazzled hair and glitterfied outfit, as well as the VERY noticeable and recognizable tattoo on my arm) giving me funny looks.

Speaking of which, I remember that, when we did choreograph the whole 'Clown gets stuck on his silk upside down and I have to help free him, and then he grabs my arm and shows that it's a trick all along and then lion king-style drops me into the blanket below', he offered a kiss in return for me helping him out.

I giggled to myself, swingling lightly side-to-side on the silk while hanging around 15-20 feet above the ground. Pierce was below, completely and utterly tangled up in his silk. I could tell he was panicked, since while his voice remained mostly monotone and calm, I could make out the high pitchedlyness in it. That and the way he struggled in his containment showed he was actually scared, not some show.

Did this worry me? Yes. Do I know he'll be safe even if he falls because of the blanket? Also yes. But it doesn't help the anxiety that was slowly forming in my heart.

I giggled again, nervously this time (a terrible habit I can't seem to get rid of), and slid down. The audience watched in amusement and horror as I went to help my 'friend' out of the sticky situation.

But when I saw where his hand and foot were, I immediately paused. Pierce looked at me with a grin.

"Alright, how about this, how about-" he shuffled in the silk. "-if you help me out of this, I'll give you a kiss?"

The whole audience gasped and my heart just straight out stopped.

A kiss??

in public??

I get that people like the ship - and don't get me wrong we are dating, but like, seriously?!

I snapped out of my thoughts as I suddenly felt myself fall down, and I quickly tightened the grip on my silk and pulled myself back up.

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