Chapter 20 - The Next Step
It was a struggle for Cayden to run with the dead weight of a barely conscious Nazine, but he managed to make it to the edge of the thick woods that ringed the temple's grounds relatively quickly.
He was hesitant as he set Nazine down in a hard-to-see alcove of trees, though still distinct enough to find again with ease. The forest had a heady scent of ley, one strong enough for Cayden to find his own strength replenishing and his hair growing a few more inches as he inhaled it.
Ancient trees, he thought, scanning the surroundings for any immediate dangers as the phoenix's head lolled to the side against a branch. Hopefully, they'll protect him.
Cayden stood up, giving himself a moment to gather his thoughts. "Nazine, if you can hear me, stay here. I'm going to get your key ba—"
"There will be no need for that," said a small, feminine voice.
Cayden whirled around, his hand on the hip where his sword should have been. He found himself looking at a young girl with silvery hair and eyes too old for her body.
"You shouldn't be out here alone, oracle," said Cayden.
"She isn't," said a second voice. The shadow at the base of the tree beside the oracle appeared to split, moving of its own accord in complete disregard of the wilting sunlight until it took on a human shape, solidifying into a dark haired girl a few years older than the oracle herself. Cayden recognised her from the Mythics they'd been escorting to Leristith. "She has me."
"A shadow Mythic?" asked Cayden, his guess confirmed with a nod. "Fine. If you two can watch Nazine, I need to—"
The oracle cut him off. "I already told you, there is no need. The kitsune will be bringing the phoenix's key along shortly, although you may not like the cost that she obtained it for."
Fear spiked through Cayden's chest. "Is she hurt?"
"She... will live," said the oracle slowly, like she was trying to remember.
"Well if you don't mind, I prefer to take matters into my own hands. Oracles are not infallible, pardon any insult."
The oracle sighed. "As I knew you would insist. Allow me to show you the way." She turned to walk, and when Cayden hesitated, she added, "The phoenix will be fine for now. Do not fear."
Realising this had been his plan before the oracle had showed up anyway, Cayden followed her.
She led him to the open field he'd run through with Nazine earlier, crossing about a third of the way before she stopped. Cayden, true to his word, continued forward, only to find some kind of invisible wall he couldn't cross a few metres later.
"When the heart of a temple moves, it generates a defensive shield to protect its occupants," explained the oracle before he asked. "It will continue to shrink until it encompasses only the heart, and then it shall move, taking anything inside it with it." Apparently sensing his next question, she continued. "The barrier is only one way, to allow its occupants escape if they wish. They may pass through the inside, but once out, they cannot cross again."
And so, Cayden waited a breath from the barrier, resisting the urge to reach out and strike it, to break it. It was torture standing here, watching the temple door, knowing that his eyes were lying to his brain.
Somehow, he forced himself to remain still.
A minute or so later, movement caught his eye. A dark haired figure fleeing from the temple, clutching something precious to their chest. Tails. Ears. The gifted tunic and that ridiculous wooden stick she insisted on carrying around.

Mythic (NaNoWriMo14)
FantasyRena wanders a decaying land, searching for purpose to a life that was supposed to have been laid out for her. As a Mythic, the people worship the ground she walks on. To them, a Mythic is life, a living representation of the ley energy that sustai...