All semblance of control broke loose as Svala gave the command.
The skirmish spread, Unbounds weaving easily into the cracks of Cayden's carefully planned defense and fracturing their lines quickly. Though the ley guard-Mythic pairs remained together for the most part, they were seperate entities fighting a unified force. He knew if he didn't do something to save it, they weren't going to last two minutes.
"New plan," said Cayden to the other two ley guards beside him. "We're going to do what we can to incapacitate the heads of their assault, the djinn and the valkyrie. Remove those two, and we might have a chance."
"The valkyrie is the key," said the taller of the two. "Her protection is still cast over the djinn, but we cannot afford to have him in the fight while we take her down."
"So you need a distraction," said Cayden, twirling his sword. "I believe I can help you with that. He took a rather strong disliking to me during my time at the temple, and I doubt that's changed much since his last scowl."
"What of the phoenix and the muses?"
Cayden glanced over his shoulder. The muse of body stood guard over her sisters, spirit and mind, as their song turned tangible, rising up and over Nazine's body as he continued to try and attune with the portal. It spoke volumes that the djinn didn't seem concerned with stopping him. Either he doubted Nazine's success as much as Cayden did, or he believed himself to have a way around the attunement.
"Kat?" said Cayden as the shadow Mythic reappeared beside him. "Think you can keep the Unbounds off them?"
"On it," she said, with a frown. "Though I may have to duck out soon. The Order's calling."
"We'll make it quick, then," said Cayden, running forward.
The other two ley guards split off and disappeared in the mass of bodies as Cayden went straight for the djinn.
Cayden managed to knock out two Unbounds on the way over--a siren who opened her mouth too far for his reassurance and a giant who attempted to pick him up by his ankle. Upon reaching the back edge of the fight where the djinn stood with the valkyrie, Cayden reached for the ley vessel on his belt.
The djinn's eyes met Cayden's glare with an amused smile. "Ah, not quite so content to sit out of the fighting this time, Cayden?"
"I never was," said Cayden, cracking the seal on the vessel and flooding his body with ley. His scalp tickled as his hair lengthened down to his waist, but prepared, Cayden took his strip of leather and bound it back. "You and I have a little unfinished business, djinn."
The valkyrie's eyes slid to Cayden. "Do you wish for me to take care of the defiler, djinn?"
She didn't move, but the ghostly figure beside her did. As the ethereal figure stepped forward, armoured in a design similar to the valkyrie's own, Cayden's heart nearly stopped.
Freya. A shiver ran down Cayden's spine. One of the ascended abilities of a valkyrie, to bring back the spirit of a warrior who had proven herself to the valkyrie's ideals. Svala had brought Freya back, and Cayden was willing to bet the djinn hadn't approved of it.
"No," said the djinn, stepping away from the valkyrie. "I rather wish to deal with this defiler myself."
Cayden leveled the tip of his sword at the djinn's throat. Though they were still several metres apart, the djinn got the message.
"Are you sure you can deal with me?" said Cayden. "I've been trained to deal with Unbounds like you."
"I assure you," said the djinn, his eyes crackling with lightning. "You have never been trained to deal with an Unbound like me."

Mythic (NaNoWriMo14)
FantasyRena wanders a decaying land, searching for purpose to a life that was supposed to have been laid out for her. As a Mythic, the people worship the ground she walks on. To them, a Mythic is life, a living representation of the ley energy that sustai...