Allegra stood silent around the table as Kiou went over the final details.
"Everything is almost prepared for the ceremony date," the dragon Mythic was saying, pointing out the several documents spread across the tabletop. "The last few preparations will be finalised in the next three days. The land Mythics have their routes and the teams have been organised. We'll be launching attacks at several locations in order to penetrate Leristith's defenses as quickly as possible. The hope is that they'll divert the majority of their forces to the diversion groups, allowing the core group with Svala and Qariinn through to gain a foothold."
"And the Order's chaotics?" demanded the archangel. "The banshee was a prime example of the levels they're willing to stoop to."
Kiou's nose wrinkled at the archangels tone. "The chaotics, if they arise, will be handled by my team. They won't get in your way to the heartland portal."
"I do hope your team will be enough," said the archangel.
"Enough," said Svala. "The dragon has earned my protection. His battles will not be in vain, and his claws shall be swift. Is that all we wished to discuss, djinn?"
Four pairs of eyes turned to the djinn, who had remained silent bar the occasional word throughout the meeting.
Allegra had never seen him like this. Qariinn's face was stone. His eyes were dark, his mouth set in a firm, unrelenting line. Gone were the reassuring smiles, the charisma he'd built the Unbounds with. He hadn't been outside the temple's heart in a day. Not once had he touched Rena's key, still hanging from his neck.
"That will be all," said the djinn in a voice like gravel. As Allegra and the others collected their things and moved to leave, he spoke once more. "Allegra, may I have a word before you leave?"
The others left. Kiou shot her a look that said good luck before closing the door, leaving Allegra alone in the heart with the djinn. Something that, until a fortnight ago, she might have fainted from the sheer privilege of it. Now, all she wanted to do was leave. This wasn't the Qariinn who'd convinced her to shed the shackles of the Order.
"Did you wish for additional scouting details?" she asked, hoping it'd be that simple. "I have the documentation still, and--"
"No," said the djinn, silencing Allegra with the syllable. "I believe you have noticed my troubles, and I wish to share my burden with you. I fear I am no longer to carry it on my own, and I do not wish to be incapable of performing my duty at the portal when the ceremony begins."
"As you wish, djinn."
"Qariinn will do," he said.
His fingers looped under the chain of Rena's key, lifting it up and over his head until it rested, key and chain, snugly in his palm. Allegra had never seen a key so dull, not unless the Mythic was on their deathbed.
Heart in her throat, she worked up the courage to ask. "Is... is Rena dying?"
"Physically?" said the djinn. She couldn't think of him as Qariinn at the moment. "She is fine. Mentally, the distance from her key is taxing her mind, but that is not what concerns me. What concerns me is that she appears to have bonded with the human ley guard I allowed to live."
That wasn't what Allegra was expecting to hear. What she'd been expecting was regret, perhaps the admission that he'd been wrong to keep Rena's key. Not some... some tone that sounded more like how the Order had scolded her the first and only time time Niari had let Allegra take control of their body before the djinn's unbinding.
"If I may," said Allegra. "Why is the kitsune so important, anyway? Personal attachment aside, is she even relevant to the reclamation?"
"She is more important than I fear any of you realise," said the djinn, stroking the side of Rena's key and making Allegra squirm. "She was the one to speak up. She was the one who caught my attention, the one who continued to surprise me when none of the others have. When I brought her into the heart, I tested her. I placed sticks of the ancients before her, and she sensed their energy. The same with her sceptre."
"I'm not quite seeing the link," said Allegra carefully.
His patience was thin, but he answered. "It takes a special Mythic to recognise the energy of ancients, Allegra, and I have known only one other than myself to have done so. The same, ancient energy that resides in the heartland, surrounding the portal. She will be in Leristith at the time of reclamation, and I fear it is no coincidence. Someone is leading her path."
"What would you have me do to share the burden?" asked Allegra.
The djinn held out his hand, Rena's key resting on his palm.
"I would have you take charge of the kitsune's crystal key," he said. "Protect it. Keep it safe. Her newly formed bond with the defiler has left my mind rather clouded, and I find myself unable to uphold the duty any longer. I am hoping you will not be as affected as I."
Allegra's eyes went wide. He hadn't taken that key off since she'd left, he'd been obsessed, he'd... "Are you sure?"
"You were one of the few who became her friends while she was here, orders or not," said the djinn. He took Allegra's wrist and raised her hand, placing Rena's key into her palm and closing her fingers. "I trust you hold no malicious intent towards her. You will not force her to do anything, you will not influence her in any way. Monitor her progress, and keep her key with you at all times. Do not give it to anyone, not even the kitsune, should you happen across her. Treat it like your own."
"Y-yes, djinn," mumbled Allegra, staring in disbelief at the rose coloured crystal in her hand. She hadn't been wrong. The energy surrounding it was weak. "Will that be all, djinn?"
"You are dismissed," said the djinn, his robes sweeping as he turned and made for his personal quarters.
Allegra walked out of the temple's heart in a daze, barely able to believe it. Outside, she cradled one hand in the other and uncurled her fingers, staring. She remained like that until she heard footsteps down the hall and, deciding it would be easier to avoid questions, quickly looped the chain over her neck and tucked it down her tunic. Hopefully no one would notice the second chain.
Allegra placed a hand over her chest, pressing Rena's key into her skin.
Just hang on, Rena, she said mentally, wondering if Rena would even hear her. If she'd last long enough to make it to the city. If I see you at Leristith, you'll get your key back.
A/N - Short, but necessary. Didn't feel right with the next part strung onto it, so here you go XD Please vote and comment if you're feeling generous, hopefully I'll have the next chapter out tomorrow.
We're in the deep end now, guys. <3

Mythic (NaNoWriMo14)
FantasyRena wanders a decaying land, searching for purpose to a life that was supposed to have been laid out for her. As a Mythic, the people worship the ground she walks on. To them, a Mythic is life, a living representation of the ley energy that sustai...