Chapter 7||The Phantomhive||

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"Love," I spoke making the man turn as he grinned; "Yes dearie?" I giggled at the nickname and walked over as he leaned down and captured my lips. "I'm heading off to that bar, hopefully, I won't be long." I sighed as he hummed cupping my face, "They asked ye to sing?" I nodded as he grinned and captured my lips again, I grinned softly as we parted; "Good luck Thorn," I smiled softly feeling his hand rest on my stomach; "Thank you handsome." He grinned and I ruffled his bangs making him laugh and I slipped off. They heard me sing once and won't stop pestering me, my brow twitched as I sighed, let's just get this over with. I looked both ways and crossed the street entering the bar, "Mrs. Crevan!" The woman yelled as I paled; "Hello ma'am," I spoke as she grinned; "Glad you finally came, now then;" I cut her off setting a hand to my hip, "I will only be here today, after this I expect you to stop bothering me and my husband I work with him not with you." She frowned, "Yes ma'am, I understand." I sighed as she dragged me around the place and I refused the clothes that were given. I just want to go home, "Alright, you'll be singing Heart of Stone!" She chirped and I paled, nodding at the woman; "Okay," she beamed and I paused, is that a Phantomhive? The boy raised a brow at me as I did the same and shrugged, ah he has a demon. Ignoring the two I stepped onto the stage and took a breath, moving my body and adding emotion to the song. With every word, I caught more attention, some stared at my pants in distaste while others focused on my voice. Soon the song ended, and I slipped off and avoided that woman. Thank hell, I sighed leaning outside of the building and set a hand to my stomach, I feel sick again. "Excuse me," I turned my head, oh the boy, why is the demon staring at me like that? "Yes?" I spoke leaning up, "Do you have any information regarding this bar, your one of the singers correct?" I paled; "I'm sorry but the woman who runs the place kept bugging me to sing, to get her to stop I just came to sing today. This is my first time even on the premises," his orb widened and he set a hand to his mouth; "I see, Sebastian." The demon bowed, "Yes My Lord," show off much? I raised a brow, and the child looked at me. "Thank you, I appreciate the information." he spoke tipping his hat as I nodded; "Sure thing," he turned and left, shrugging I mentally groaned as I was pulled back into the bar to sing again. 

I spit the water into the sink, setting a hand to my stomach I sighed. Why must you make me feel so ill, I smiled and pulled myself up. Time to escape, I turned slipping out, and paled seeing it was night, I'm sorry Adrian. I frowned as I began to walk down the street, then paused I looked back, my eyes scanned the area and I saw a glimpse of smoke. Why is that demon following me? I raised a brow and turned, looking both ways I crossed the road. He's getting closer, and I can hear that boy's steps. I can't exactly appear in front of Adrian with those two tailing me. I sped up, setting a hang to my stomach and their steps quickened. The parlor, I opened the door and closed it taking a breath I leaned back. "Thorn?" Adrian popped out from a coffin, his orbs widened as he was beside me pulling me in as I spoke; "A boy and his demon are tailing me and I don't know why." He paused then hummed; "I'll take care of it, go upstairs and eat." I nodded and he kissed my temple. 

I watched Thorn go up the stairs, then took a breath, okay Adrian deal with the Earl then make sure your wife and kid are alright. I opened the door and slipped out; "Me Lord I know your out here," I spoke and saw him slip out with his butler, crossing my arms I titled my head. "Undertaker..." the child trailed glancing away as the demon narrowed his gaze. "So young Earl, why were ye following me wife home?" His orbs widened as I waited patiently, "Your wife?" He questioned as I glared at the boy; "Yes, now why did you follow her." I spoke my voice dipped back to normal as he froze. "As you know the murders that been happening, we've traced them to the bar and we wanted to clear her;" Liar, my brow twitched. "Ceil," I spoke catching his attention; "Thorn wouldn't partake in any murders, we both are busy with the morgue and the person committing those crimes, she can't physically do that because she's expecting at the moment, so Phantomhive leave my wife alone." I stated, his eyes widened and I sighed; "Good day Earl," I entered my home and locked the door switching the sign and blowing out the candles I went up. I smiled seeing her munching on some biscuits. "Hey handsome," she spoke and I chuckled, leaning down I kissed her cheek; "You alright?" She smiled softly and I grumbled making the woman giggle. "Come on love, I'm alright." she cooed and I set my head against hers; "Okay," I spoke softly setting my hand against her stomach and making her giggle; "How much trouble did they give you today." She paled, glancing away and folded my brows, and crouched down resting my head on her thighs. "Now then you need to stop being so mean to your mother," She laughed as I looked up, my gaze softened at the woman, "I love you." I spoke making her smile soften, "I love you too." She grinned and I kissed her. 

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