Going back to the country

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Jessica wasn't the laziest person in the world, but she almost never wanted to do extra work, even if it meant extra benefits for herself. She kept to herself throughout her time at school, and even after graduating and getting a job, she still didn't have many friends or people to talk to in general. This would actually surprise a lot of people considering her looks.

It would be pretty hard to tell that she just got declined a higher position at her job at some super market. She wanted the extra cash that came with that position, but she really didn't care all that much when her boss said no. If anyone knew her, and no one really does, she is most definitely going to fall asleep on the couch like that. It wouldn't be the first time she fell asleep in a suit or while eating chips, but it would be her first time falling asleep in a suit while watching TV and eating chips. She did the bare minimum at school, the bare minimum at her job, and the bare minimum at life in general. Speaking of which, doing the bare minimum at paying rent wasn't the best choice, and she'll find out why very soon. Enough character background, story time.

Jessica woke up on her couch while her TV was still on. She stretched a little bit and wondered how she would spend her free day. For starters, maybe she should finally do laundry. Jessica groaned knowing how much work she'd have to do on her day off but still went to go do laundry nonetheless. She went to go put on a black crop top and some black Nike women's short short and got started with her first load of laundry. After she put the load in her washing machine, she turned it on and went to go watch TV. As soon as she got there, she saw part of an episode of fairy odd parents where Vicky was given a wedgie by some goat. Jessica never got a wedgie besides the occasional natural wedgie, but she was just a little curious simply because people tend to imitate things they see on a screen.

Jessica reached into the back of her shorts and pulled on her rather stretchy white panties. She felt nothing so she kept stretching. Still nothing. Her panties got to the point where she got the idea of giving herself an atomic wedgie and yet she still felt nothing. She didn't bother taking the panties off her head, but she was curious as to how they looked on her. She looked in her bathroom mirror and laughed a little at how she looked. But still she had to admit, she was very fit despite not exercising a day in her life. Slim waist, nice hips, round asş, Jessica was proud knowing she didn't have to lift a finger to get the looks she had.

Jessica left her bathroom and got an excellent idea, why not play games while still in the atomic wedgie. After nearly an hour of finally getting the last achievement she needed for minecraft, she heard her washing machine make a noise to indicate that it was done. Jessica more or less went through the day doing almost nothing but playing games or watching TV, even with the atomic wedgie still in for hours. Before finally going to sleep in her wedgie, she noticed something not very good. Her calendar, there was a deadline for her rent that she was behind on for weeks. She immediately made a call to her boss to get paid sooner only to be met with even worse news, "You literally do no work, the amount of times I've caught you sleeping on the job is outright disrespectful. This is actually perfect timing, after going through a list of warnings and strikes you've gotten, I'm legally allowed to fire you. So you're fired."

Jessica didn't get a chance to say anything, her boss already hung up the phone. Jessica never had bank account or a place where she could store her money, she never thought she'd need to. There was something else she noticed, today was the two year anniversary of her mother passing away. What are the chances that she'd get fired two years after her mother's passing. Jessica sat down and thought about what she could do. For starters, she spent the entire night packing all her things because she knew how much her landlord had a stick up his asş. Jessica once saw him kick someone out even after they paid their late fee. But where would she move, how would she provide for herself. There was one thing Jessica could do, but there was no way she could do it. Her mother bought her a fully paid off Mustang since it was her dream car. Jessica could sell it, but would she, həll to the fūck no. The car itself was practically in perfect condition despite drunk driving and nearly dying in it quite a few times.

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