Small World | Chapter 3

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As you lay on the cold and muddy ground, you begin to hyperventilate. Fear paralyzes you as he steps towards you. The ground thuds under his feet with every step, and you feel terror closing around you. He kneels down at your side and examines you; you avoid all eye contact.

Suddenly a white hot pain stings your leg and you scream. He quickly stuffs a cloth in your mouth to shut you up; tears roll down your face and you grip the cold earth. Soon he stopped cutting into your leg and you realize he only took out a small piece.

He tosses the bloody chunk into his mouth and grabs something small out of his pocket

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He tosses the bloody chunk into his mouth and grabs something small out of his pocket. It was a needle; he began to sew up the wound and bandaged it. He stood and reached for you leg before you ripped the cloth from your mouth and screamed as loud as your injured ribs would allow you to.

His brow furrowed and he kicked you in the side; you groaned loudly and held your ribs. "You'd better shut yer mouth if ya know what's good for ya." His voice was rough and he had a very noticeable southern accent. He grabbed your ankle once more and dragged you farther and farther away from safety.

You continued groaning quietly as he dragged you, the pain a little bit more unbearable now. After about half an hour you arrived at a small cabin; it was in very poor condition and smelled like death. You grimaced at the smell and scrunched your nose.

He tossed you inside the dirty cabin; it was way to dark to see anything. Before you could adjust to the darkness he picked you up and brought you into a small dim room. He set you down on the cold concrete floor. Once your eyes adjusted you realized you were in a tiny concrete basement.

"Don't be goin' anywhere." he laughed loudly and stomped up the creaky wooden stairs. He slammed the cellar door and you heard the click of a lock. You were thrust into complete darkness and you finally felt the panic seep into your bones. You just got off your adrenaline high and you began to sob uncontrollably.

You cupped your face in your hands, it was hot from your crying. You slid onto your side and began to wail, fear gripping you by the neck. After what seemed like hours of crying you began to doze off; you just now realized how tired you were. I mean, it has been about 5 and a half hours since you ran into the woods.

You finally drifted off into a light sleep; the only escape from the reality of the situation. Your dreams were scrambled and blurry, and you woke up quite a bit. The moment you woke up from your sleep, you found that your ankle had been tied down to the floor with a metal chain. 'Oh fuck! I thought this was a dream! SHIT!' 

Just then, you hear heavy footsteps nearing the cellar door; it opens with a loud creak and you see the Devil Man. But something was different, he didn't have horns and his face wasn't red; in fact he had jet black hair and a scruffy beard! You stared up at him, neither of you speaking a word.

After a bit he finally began to walk down towards you. He crouched down and stared at you; you inched away but a sharp pain hit you in your side. He reached out for your face and grabbed it; turning it different ways just to get a good look at you. He let your face go and stood up, his hand reached for something on the ceiling.


There was a small overhead light, and now that the room was illuminated you could finally investigate where exactly you were. The concrete walls were stained with dried blood and a rack with incredibly large knives. You gasped quietly and your eyes darted around the room. 

After you turned your attention back to the man you could finally fully recognize his face; shock runs through you as you see the serial cannibal Bob Velseb standing over you. You should've realized it earlier. He ate a part of you! His eyes stared holes into you and you inched away from him.

(741 words)

GASP what's gonna happen next??!!?!!?!

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