Small World | Chapter 8

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(TW for Stockholm Syndrome and a slight ED)

(OMG!!!! The amount of reads and support on this is FLABBERGASTING TY ALL SO MUCH kisses)

Every day consisted of you sitting on that bed in that god forsaken room, you never did anything anymore. Your hope had drained out of you the moment he took your eye. All you did was sit and think, enough to make a whole book on your thoughts.

One day you heard the pitter patter of rain on the roof, it hadn't rained since you were there. It reminded you that everything and everyone that can help you is outside... and you're stuck inside. The rain stopped a few hours later and left you to your thoughts.

Sometimes Bob would come in and hold you, this was becoming a more common occurrence and you found some kind of twisted comfort in it. Eventually though he started to come in almost all the time, and stayed for what seemed like hours.

You shamed yourself for feeling even a little bit safer around him, you thought he was just trying to lure you into a sense of security so he could tear it all down. Your entire world had become grey and you found yourself not moving an inch during the day more and more.

You couldn't even bring yourself to cry; you were so low in this pit of despair that you had no energy for anything anymore. The feeling of betrayal from the police, your friends, and the whole town began to weigh you down into the shabby mattress even more.

Bob would occasionally bring you in food, and when you refused to eat he practically shoved it down your throat. He tried bringing books or things for you to do, but you just couldn't bring yourself to show even a twitch of comfort around him.

You noticed yourself looking forward to when he would come and hold you, it was almost the only interaction with a human being you could ever come across for the foreseeable future. He started to play with your hair when he was with you, twirling it like it was a spinning top.

His smile seemed so genuine when he was around you, you almost felt yourself smile back once or twice. You knew these feelings weren't normal, you knew it was just because he was treating you nicely. Nicer than most of the people in your life.

One day you broke down crying "What's the matter darlin?" Bob inquired. Through the sobs you managed to say "I.. I'm 'sniff' sorry.." Bob cupped your cheeks and gazed into your eye "There's nothin' to be sorry 'bout. You're alright." You felt disgusted with yourself for letting him talk to you like you were his partner or something.

He smiled at you and you half-heartedly smiled back at him. He stroked your hair 'til you calmed down and gave you a small peck on the forehead before he left the room. You shuddered and felt a deep, fiery hatred rise up from your chest. You hated him, you hated his eyes and his smile and how he looked at you.


Y/N was walking out from their new retail job at Soul Halloween and was smiling from ear to ear, they finally had their own life, away from their parents and everyone back home. They put their headphones on and walked to their new rental house!

They walked for about 5 minutes before they passed an alley; they caught a small flash of red and leaned their head in, turns out it was just their imagination... or so they thought. They resumed their walking but they felt a presence behind them, watching them.

Every time they looked over their shoulder... no one was there. They eventually shrugged it off and soon enough they arrived home, they took the keys out of a small bag and unlocked the door, just before they closed it all the way the saw the glimpse of red once more...

(667 words)

Sorry for the shorter chapter today, I'm still kinda brainstorming ideas!

Small World | Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now