Small World | Chapter 4

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You stare up at the towering man -  fear gripping your heart. He stares at you with unblinking eyes, his smile now a slight frown. He examines your hair, it was muddy and ratty from being dragged across the forest floor.

You gazed at him, he was large but muscular; like a bear, but somehow way scarier. He turned away and quickly climbed the stairs; shortly after he came back with a bucket of water and a towel. You tilted your head as he came to your side and knelt down.

He grabbed your hair and dumped the bucket of water on you, effectively drenching you. "Wh-! Hey!" you yelped, the water was cold and you were caught by surprise. "Shut up and sit still!" He grumbled. He ran his fingers through your hair, combing the mud and leaves out. 

A smile formed on his face as he washed your hair, no one has ever washed your hair for you before. It felt kind of nice 'Nope! He just kidnapped me what am I thinking!'  After he had finished cleaning your hair he wrapped the towel around your head and began to dry your hair. You inched away, a look of disgust across your face.

"What's the matter darlin'? I'm washing your hair for ya'." He chuckled. You glared at him. "Oh well, I'll get ya a new shirt since this one is drenched now." He stood and climbed up the stairs once more.

You held your ribs once more, feeling a bandage on them. 'HE BANDAGED MY RIBS!?! Ew! Pervert!'  You crossed your arms, waiting patiently for your new shirt. He came back after about 3 minutes with an oversized green-yellow t-shirt. He pulled your wet one off and slipped the new one on.

He stood and put his hands on his hips, as if admiring his work. He began to turn to leave but you stopped him. "Wait- Why aren't I dead? Why haven't you killed me yet?" He stopped and faced you, hesitating. "You'll have to find out." He smirked and sat down on the floor next to you. He stared into your eyes like they were some kind of mesmerizing artwork.

"I didn't want to kill ya' there and then, I wanna see ya' squirm." he whispered, breaking the silence and striking you with fear. He wanted to hurt you, but not kill you? You shivered at the thought; This creepazoid was just trying to see you in pain! 

Bob's POV:

They're just too cute, I mean can you blame me? They cried so cutely when I cut that chunk out of their leg! I lifted my hand up to their cheek and started to stroke it with my thumb; their skin is so soft and smells so good! My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

I stare into their E/C (eye color) pupils and can practically taste their meat on my tongue. I bring them closer to my chest, feeling their heartbeat on mine. I hold them tight, squeezing them. I can't believe I finally have them. After all this time.


Y/N stepped into the small diner, it had the silliest name 'Boys and Grills' They walked up to the small bar, sitting on a stool and looking around the restaurant. "Hey there! What can I get for ya?" A large man in a Boys and Grills apron approached you, a large smile on his face. "Hmm.. I think I'll just have a burger and fries please!" Y/N smiled back, still examining the room.

"I don't think I know ya' you new in town?" He inquired while cooking your order. "Oh yeah, I moved here a few weeks ago! I'm from ______ City!" They fidgeted with their hands, and soon enough he finished their order; his calloused hands gingerly setting the plate down.

"Enjoy the meal, and it's on the house. Courtesy for new residents!" He called as he walked through a door that said 'Employees Only'. Y/N began to munch down on the burger, eyes lighting up at the surprisingly amazing flavor.

After he had shut the door he smiled from ear to ear. Bob never met someone with such a delicious smell. He gripped his apron, had he really found the perfect feast? He took a deep breath and began to shape burger patties, beginning to drool at the though of them.

(728 words!)


Small World | Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now