Small World | Chapter 5

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You freeze as Bob wraps his arms around you, squeezing you just a bit too hard. You sniffle and tiny droplets of tears make their way down your face. You can feel him smelling you... 'What the fuck is he doing? This shit is kinda nasty for real.'  You finally get the courage to push him away and you shiver.

"Yer' in an awfully sour mood, huh darlin'?" he tilted his head with a mocking smile. You glare at him, not letting him swoon you with dumb pet names and hugs. You both sit there, staring at eachother. His brow furrows and his smile dissipates. 

"Yer' bein' a bit of a brat right now." He growled. "I don't appreciate that." You remained head strong, not allowing him to get under your skin. He mumbles something under his breath and takes something small and silver out of his pocket.

You freeze, your tough demeanor fizzling away like foam. You flinched as he reached it towards you, but nothing happens. You open your eyes, finding him unlocking the chain on your foot. With a small click it falls off your ankle and you sit there, slightly confused.

He picks you up and you grab onto his shirt like a bear trap; fearful you might fall. He carries you out of the cellar and brings you to a dirty living room. He sets you down on a dingy couch and sits beside you. You both sit there for almost 30 minutes... in silence.

You look out the window and realize that it's about midday now; Streber has got to be looking for you, there's no way he's not. After a while, Bob gets up and walks into a room you can't see into. You glance around the small living room and hop up from the couch as fast as your injured leg will allow you to.

You limp over to the door and surprisingly it's left unlocked. You carefully open and close it, smiling to yourself. You remember the direction you came from and hopefully you can get back home. You begin to hobble away towards freedom.

After almost 3 hours of walking (it's shorter because there's no extra turns lol) you come upon the neighborhood your house is in. You congragulate yourself and hobble over to the nearest person. You find a couple of kids dressed up as a pumpkin and a skeleton counting their halloween candy.

"Hello? I got lost and I need to talk to an adult!" you spoke with a soft tone, as to not spook the kids at this random, bandaged person coming up to them. "Yeah! Let me get my mom!" the one in the skeleton costume said. "MOOOOOM, there's a random person here to see you!" After a little while a lady wearing purple stepped through the door.

"Hello there, are you alright? My name's Lila!" she smiled kindheartedly, but she then noticed the bloody bandage you had on your leg. "Oh my god! We need to get you to a hospital!" She ran over to you and let you lean your weight on her.

(timeskip of about 2 hours at the hospital)

You lay in the hospital bed, exhausted from the walk and the two cops questioning about the situation. A large sigh escapes your lungs and you sit up in the bed. Your ribs still hurt and it hurt to breath but not as bad as when you were at the cabin now that you're on the painkillers.

You decide to turn on the television and the first thing you see is a cartoon about that stupid Ooga Booga movie. You groan and click the TV off. 'Why did this shit have to happen to me.'  A small pang of sadness hits you, he did seem like he wasn't going to hurt you.

Just then Streber and Kevin walk through the door "Jesus Christ I was wondering if they'd find you!" Streber complained. Kevin seemed just happy to be there with his boyfriend. You chuckled lightly before turning over in your bed.

Streber set down some flowers and walked out the door while you contemplated the situation. Before you knew it, night had fallen and you couldn't sleep. They had finally sent you home, and you were snuggled up in your own bed. Everytime you tried to fall asleep you had that image of him in your brain.

When you finally did get to sleep, you got sleep paralysis. Bob was huddled in the corner of your room, just watching you with his terrifying gleaming eyes and smile. You couldn't move and you felt like a weight had been set on your chest.

He began to walk up towards your bed, still staring. You tried to jerk up and wake up but you couldn't, you couldn't even scream. You felt weak and vulnerable. He reached out for your arm, and when he got to it... you could feel it. This wasn't a dream.

(820 words!)


Small World | Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now