Small World | Chapter 10

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You feel a sharp pain in your shoulder and you yell in pain. You spin around and see Bob standing over you, his smile wider than ever. You grit your teeth, pull the knife out, throw it at him, and begin sprinting away into the forest.

You grip your shoulder, your spirit not yet dulled. The snow storm has gotten significantly worse. You hear his footfall behind you but you keep your eyes ahead. You hold your knife tightly in your hand, preparing yourself for anything.

"I'm done being stuck here you goddamn freak!" you screeched, you knew he could hear you. You took a sharp turn around a tree and slipped on ice, you fall with a thud onto your injured shoulder. You suck through your teeth and scramble up.

As you begin to run again you realized you couldn't hear him running anymore. 'Shit. He's trying to catch me off guard.' You back up against the tree, holding the knife out in front of you. You shiver and your eyes dart all around you.

You could barely see 5 feet ahead of you; your chest heaved, you were exhausted. "COME AND GET ME! I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU ANYMORE!" you called, you knew he was near. You could feel him watching you. You gritted your teeth and stood your ground against the heavy winds.

"I'm right here..." He was behind you... before you could get away he grabbed you by the arm and flung you into a nearby tree. You yell and your knife drops out of your hand. You crawl over towards it despite the breath being knocked out of you. Bob walked towards you and steps on your outreached hand.

"Not this time darlin', you're not goin' nowhere." He smiled at you and you felt that familiar pang of terror. You winced under his weight, it was crushing your wrist. He reaches down for your arm, and you pull it away. "Get the fuck away from me."

His smiles drops slightly and you take that chance to bite his ankle stepping on your wrist. He pulls it away and you finally grab the knife. You stand and stare at him, the hatred and anger blazing in your eyes.

He stepped towards you, his hand behind his back and the other outstretched. "Come on, just come back with me darlin', you're not really mad at me." You furrowed your brow and stepped back. "I said get the fuck away."

He sighs and charges you with the knife coming out from behind him, you hold the one in your hands out and you hear a squelch. You open your eyes to find him being stabbed by your knife. You let go of it and step back.

He stands there, not doing anything. He seems unphased and almost like he's finding it humorous. He began to laugh, quietly at first but eventually louder and louder. "HAHAHAHAHAAA! Ya' really think it's that easy? God you're so much dumber than ya' look." He stared into your eyes and you froze, you couldn't move.

You were so terrified that instead of fight or flight you just stood there like a deer in headlights. He yanks the knife out of his stomach and begins walking towards you, blood gushing from the wound and onto the snow.

He backs you up against another tree and stares at you with his terrifying, colorless eyes. He grabbed you by the throat and began to lift you up; you tried to get him to let go but you couldn't, his smile never ceasing to scare you.

He gripped the knife in his hands and put it against your chin, you tried to maneuver you head away from it but failed. "I'm so disappointed... there's only so many times that you can disrespect me and get away with it." he pressed the knife closer to your chin.

You gripped at his arms, tears running down your face. 'I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die!'  You felt your airways closing up, you were choking to death; you grabbed at his arms more frantically, trying to get him to let you go. You didn't want this to be the last thing you saw...

(701 words!)

Don't worry y'all Bob is gonna get what he deserves soon

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