Chapter 39 🦃

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I didn't write it in but Klaus and Hayley moved to New Orleans a bit after Hope and Josie moved in together!

"Babe I'm fine" Hope chuckled as her girlfriend tried to help her into the house by opening the door while having a baby on each hip.

"You broke your arm, no you aren't" Josie pouted and set the twins down in their playpen before closing the door behind Hope.

The shorter girl put her arm around her girlfriend's waist and pulled her closer for a kiss "I'm okay."

As the brunette opened her mouth her phone made a ding sound signaling she just received a text.

Josie read the text before sighing and beginning to type back.

"Who is it?" Hope asked.

"Your mom wondering if we are still coming to New Orleans for Thanksgiving, I'm just texting we aren't."

"Woah Woah" the girl took the phone from Josie who pouted in response.


"We are still going to New Orleans, why would we not?" Hope frowned.

"You and the babies just got into a car accident, why would we still go?"

"I'm okay, and so are the babies, plus I don't want to miss the chance to see my parents, they only visit every so often."


"Please let's all go" Hope practically gave her puppy eyes and Josie just couldn't resist.

"Fine! but you and the babies will be checked out to make sure you're okay to fly" she pointed.

Hope grinned before peppering kisses all over Josie's face making her giggle.

A day before they were going to fly out Josie did indeed make them get checked out. The doctor told her that all three of them were perfectly fine to fly, even though the brunette was still a little hesitant.

"Told you" Hope stuck her tongue out.

"Oh shush."


There weren't a lot of things Josie hated in this world but traveling with two, two-year-olds is definitely on the top of that list.

Don't get her wrong she loves her children more than anything in this world but they didn't do well having to sit in one place for longer than thirty minutes.

But no need to worry she brought backup.

Which were just two tablets Hope and Josie were saving for the twin's third birthdays but she figured this would entertain them for their two-hour flight.

At the airport the staff let them cut to the front of the security line after noticing the two little ones Josie had on her hips.

"I knew having babies would come in handy one day" Hope joked as she took off her bracelets and shoes, putting them in the box.

Josie set the twins down and took off their shoes, and took her son's teddy bear, putting it in the box, this made the toddler cry.

"You'll get it back my love" she kissed his cheek and took his hand while Hope took Andreas. The four of them walked through the scanners all coming out clean.

Once they were done they collected their belonging and made their way toward their plane which was already boarding.


Hope took it upon herself to order them first-class seats so that when they entered the plane they were escorted to the front where Josie saw four large seats facing each other.

"Woah these are nice and perfect for keeping the babies close," Josie said.

"See! and you had the audacity to yell when you found out how much I spent" Hope rolled her eyes.

"And I stand by that, 2,082 is absolutely ridiculous."

Hope chuckled while Josie lifted the babies and buckled them into their seats. She then took out the tablets, putting on bluey before handing them to the twins and putting headphones on them.

This seemed to work both toddlers seemed to be distracted by their show.

"Let's hope for an easy flight," Josie said sitting next to Andrea while Hope sat across from her.

Two hours later when they landed the four of them made their way off the plane where they saw Hayley standing with Rebekah.

Both women were smiling and waving excitedly before running up to them.

"Oh my goodness my great niece and nephew, how you've grown," Rebekah says taking them both from Josie and hugging them.

Josie chuckled before looking over at Hope who was being wrapped in a hug by Hayley "my poor baby, are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't fly out" she said before pulling back and holding her daughter's face in her hands.

The shorter girl chuckled "for the 100th time I'm okay."

Lucas made a whining noise and held his arms out for Hayley."

The woman smiled before picking up her grandchild "you get cuter and cuter don't you?"

"Wow just forget about me why don't you" Hope rolled her eyes.

"Be nice Hope you aren't the baby anymore" Josie said poking her girlfriend's side.

The brunette turned her head and was met with a hug from Rebekah "how are you love?"

"Since our phone all yesterday? I'd say pretty good l the girl chuckled.

Rebekah pulled back before looking at them "we let's go get your luggage and head back to the Mikaelson compound, dinner is about done Freya is just watching after the turkey."

When they arrived at the compound the home was very... alive.

Children were running around, the grown-ups were talking and drinking. Josie doesn't think she has ever seen so many Mikaelson's in one place.

"There's my little girl" Klaus grinned as he saw Hope walk in, the man took her suitcase and set it off to the side before pulling her into a hug.

As Hope caught up with her father Josie said hi to the rest of her girlfriend's family.

Josie was in the middle of hugging Kol when she saw Lucas trying to run off and play with the bigger boys.

"Not yet, baby, they are wrestling I don't want you getting hurt, you're too little" she bent down and kissed his cheek.

Lucas began to cry.

"Aw, how about we go color?" Hayley said bending down with her.

The boy sniffled and nodded before taking his grandma's hand.

"Turkey is done!" Freya called out and all the family began piling into the kitchen.

"I hope your ready baby, thanksgiving with the Mikaelsons is kinda wild" Hope whispered in her girlfriend's ear.

"I'll always be ready," she said before leaning over and kissing the auburnette.

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