Chapter 30

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Double Update! you're welcome ☺️

Also make sure to follow if you haven't already

By the time Hope had picked up Josie and their daughter, it was pretty late at night, and as usual, the twins were sound asleep so they kept quiet most of the car ride until they got back to the apartment.

"Was she good today?" Hope whispered as she unlocked the door and walked in with Andrea.

"She was a little fussy during lunch but other than that she was very good," Josie said walking toward their room with Lucas. They both set the car seats on the bed before taking their babies out and gently laying them in their bassinets.

Once the twins were both laid down safely Hope and Josie made their way out of the room and quietly closed the door.

The shorter girl sighed and lay on the couch soon followed by Josie "how was lunch with your parents?"

"I loved it, I feel like I haven't spent as much time as I want with them, so it was nice to be there" Hope smiled and leaned her head on the palm of her hand.

The aubrunette looked over at Josie "Jed didn't give you any trouble did he?" her face suddenly turned to hate.

"Luckily after you left Lizzie asked for a new server so we didn't have to interact with him that much" the brunette chuckled "you wanna hear something funny that happened?"

Hope looked at her skeptically "sure..."

The taller girl took a piece of paper out of her pocket and showed Hope, it was a number "I think we are a bit past this stage don't you, plus I have your number."

"No dummy that's not my number, When the new server came over she was giving me these looks, and then after we were packing up to leave she gave me her number telling me she thought I was cute."

Hope frowned "why are you telling me this," she said unconsciously crumping the paper written with the girls number on it in her hand.

"I don't know it felt nice" Josie leaned her head on the couch pillow "for someone that wasn't a creep to be attracted to me, despite knowing I'm a teen mom."

"There are other people that could be attracted to you" Hope said anxiously twisting the rings on her finger.

"Oh yeah? who" Josie rolled her eyes playfully.

This was it, her time to finally reveal to the brunette how she had been feeling lately "me..." Hope swallowed.

Josie looked at her with a look of disbelief, but before she could respond her phone started ringing. The brunette hesitantly looked down and saw it was the number from the local hospital.

Her eyebrows furrowed together and she answered "hello?"

"Is this Josette Forbes-Salvatore."

"Uh yeah? that's me, is everything okay?" Josie said finally making eye contact with Hope who was just silently staring at her.

"We have your father here, he was in an accident on his way from work," the nurse said.
Josie stood up and immediately grabbed Hopes's car keys "my dad? fuck, okay I'll be there soon," she said before hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Hope stood up.

"That was the hospital my dad was in an accident," Josie said making her way toward the door, and quickly putting on her jacket.

"I can come with you? so you aren't alone" Hope offered.

"No" the brunette shook her head "someone needs to stay with the babies, I pumped some milk for them yesterday it's in the fridge it should last a few feedings... I'll be back as soon as I can and we'll talk about..."

"Yeah... Okay," Hope nodded and looked at her feet.

Josie stood there a moment before she placed a kiss on Hope's cheek and made her way out of the apartment and to the auburnettes car.

The brunette slammed the door without even realizing it and a moment later Hope heard one of the babies crying from the other room. Hope sighed and walked toward the room "mommas coming."

When Josie walked into the hospital she immediately went to the front desk "I got a call that my father was in here?" she said starting to look around the waiting room for her mom and sister.

"What's his name?" The lady asked.

"Stefan Salvatore," the brunette said and the nurse typed in the name before looking back up "there's no Stefan Salvatore at this hospital."

"That's not possible he..." Josie's voice trailed off before she came to a realization "Is there an Alaric Saltzman here?"

The nurse typed in the name before nodding "I've got an Alaric Saltzman in room 313."

"Great... Thank you" Josie said through gritted teeth before making her way toward the elevator and to the room, the woman had told her.

"You're kidding me right?" Josie said walking into the room and seeing Alaric eating a Jello.


"You had the doctor call me, and purposefully leave out your name just to get me down here?" Josie scoffed "I have two newborns at home and a situation with my baby momma that I need to talk about!"

"You wouldn't have come if you didn't think it was Stefan in an accident, I wanted you here."

"Please just stop, I thought we went over this months ago, I hate you! okay? you are not my father and will never be Stefan is my dad" Josie said and Alaric frowned.

"I don't understand why you can't just give me a chance..."

"You've hurt me too badly for another chance... now if you'll excuse me I have to go talk to the woman I love" she shook her head before leaving the room.

When Josie walked into the apartment she saw Hope in the kitchen taking out a tv dinner. The shorter girl turned to her and gave her a confused look.

"That was fast? was it all just a false alarm? is Stefan okay?"

Josie threw her bag on the ground and made her way up to Hope, cupping the girl's face in her hands and kissing her desperately.

The shorter girl immediately kissed her back, putting her hands on the girl's waist, and kissing her with just as much desperation and passion as the other girl was giving her.

When they pulled away Josie rested her forehead against Hopes "I love you."

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