An Unhealthy Obsession

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"Exfil vehicles are set. Ghost planted charges to help us get out." Rudy called out as they began their escape.

"With Johnny's help." The Lieutenant corrected.

"I can't call Soap 'Johnny'." Alejandro sighed.

"Don't." Soap confided. "Only Ghost can pull that off."

It was not an easy challenge working through the prison. Shadows were everywhere they turned, guns blazing, and Soap's shoulder was aching from the recoil of his weapon. It got spotty there for a minute, enough Shadows spilling from the dark that even Soap was impressed with the efficiency the four men had clearing them out.

He ran in front of his group, leading the other three through. He didn't know when he had shifted to take control over their mission, but it just felt right.

He was in charge, and he was going to get Ghost out.

And Rudy and Al. He corrected himself quickly, slaughtering a sniper that now no longer had any use for a scope.

"Won't be needing that anymore," He gloated to himself, quickly stripping ammo off of a dead Shadow.

An old pickup truck squealed to a stop in front of them.

"Johnny, that truck's got one of our charges on it. Detonate it." Ghost said.

"Here it comes." Soap pulled the controller out of his pocket, ducking out of the way of flying debris as it briefly went airborne. "Ka-freakin-boom, baby."

"Good effect, let's move up."

Soap crossed from behind the wall, then immediately dove back when met with bullets. One pierced the concrete, shattering the wall a little too close to his head for his comfort.

"Turret gun in our way," Ghost called. "Use the detonator to take it out, Soap!"

"Stand clear!" He yelled, flames exploding in front of him with a flash of heat. "Gaun yersel, ya scum."

Ghost quickly paced in front of Johnny, his body language telling a different story than 'simply' being shot at from every direction. He turned back to John, just for a moment, giving him a once over like he was checking for injuries. He nodded to himself, satisfied at whatever he saw.

They cut through the left side of the building, John's pulse nauseatingly loud.

"These Shadow's are crazy." Soap complained, unloading the last of his clip into one. He discarded the old magazine, swiftly reloading in one smooth motion.

"Mercenaries, Johnny. Bloody wannabes."

"You hear that?" The quick whumping of blades cutting through the air near them as they cleared the courtyard– Johnny taking down four Shadows in quick succession unassisted. The gunfire slowed, then stopped briefly.

"Helicopter– searching for us!" Alejandro warned.

"We'll need more than this to take it out." Ghost sounded like he was gritting his teeth as he spoke, and Johnny just barely heard the familiar click of his sniper rifle as the Lieutenant tracked sight of the pilot.

"All stations, this is Bravo-G. Get down!" Someone joined their comm feed with a familiar, strong command.

That voice was like sweet, sweet music to Soap's ears.

"It's Price!" Ghost shouted excitedly.

"Hell fuckin' yeah!" Soap pumped a fist up.

"All Bravo and Vaqueros... Top o' the wall. Get here and I'll get you out. How copy?" Price continued. The helicopter blades shuddered as it began spinning through the air, crashing in a loud boom on the other side of the prison walls.

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