Falling Headfirst for Halos

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The city of Chicago was alive with the promise of broken hopes and dreams.

"Watcher-1 to Bravo-6 Actual. Perimeter is secure. We have a possible hit on the missile container. We're moving in now. No sights yet on the Sergeant, or Hassan." Laswell's voice came in loud and clear.

"Solid copy. All Bravo, move to set. We're on." Captain Price responded. He and Ghost were both in separate helicopters, armed and ready to fight.

"0-5 copies all." Gaz called, his body rocking with the movement of the small boat as it sped through dirty river water. "Bravo 6-2 is twenty seconds from the target building. Intel reports multiple AQ inside."

"Ghost, get to your overwatch." Price said as they approached the tower.

"Rog, on the move." His helicopter turned, quickly crossing in front.

"Floor 56 is our primary objective. It's well fortified with limited access, Hassam may be holed up there. We'll hack into their security system, get eyes all over the building."

"Copy. Let's nail this bastard, once and for all."

"Lifter 1-2, troops on deck. Outbound now." Price's Pilot landed with skilled precision on the roof of the tower, Price's feet hitting metal grating with a loud clang. He moved fast, securing himself to the side wall of the roof.

"Bravo-6, moving to hook point."

Gaz's voice crackled through. "Copy. 5 is set at the ground floor."

"Ghost, we're set. You have eyes on?"

"Affirm. Flashing now." A quick succession of a sniper light glinted on the roof of a slightly smaller building located across the street. Cop cars littered the pavement, blue and red lights spinning.

"Copy visual. What've you got?"



"Hassan's buying time."

"You lads clear all threats. Bravo-3 secures the hostages. RV on the target floor."

"Reposition if you need. Two x-rays below. You're clear to engage."

Price slid down his rope, walking along the side of the windows, jumping from panel to panel as he shattered them– bullets spraying.

Enemies dropped.

Ghost kept a close eye on the Captain, warning each time he worked his way closer to the armed guards.

"Bravo, you're clear on 5-1."

Another voice called over. "0-7, Copy. Moving."

"Price, all hostages secure. "

"Copy. Rally on the server floor." Price slid another floor down, slowly creeping towards the room illuminated with screens and communication lights.

And there was Soap.

He fell back slightly, tightening his body against the side of the building as best as he could. He was tied to a computer chair, a guard animatedly screaming at him. Price couldn't hear the conversation, but quickly aimed his weapon. Soap screwed his face together before he spat– hitting the guard directly in the face. He swung, landing a fist across Soap's face, knocking his head back. Placing a bomb directly on the window, he threw himself back before detonating it, glass shattering.

He heard the guard exclaim as he ran, dropping into the room. Price fired, and the guard dropped dead.

Soap looked around wildly, confused and alarmed. He spotted Price, a wide grin spreading.

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