😊chapter 3 Ninja came 2 visit ☺️

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It's been almost a week since I seen my new friend Lloyd but haven't seen received a phone call from him yet. I went on with I've been doing, then woke up one morning looking like a vampire's bad sunburn with my scales flaking everywhere but painful as H-E- double hockey sticks. I ran my bath, took a nice long soak, using some special bath oil to help get the dead scales off, and I shed pulled through okay.
I got done, disposed the rest of the dead scales in the trash bin, then s sigh of relief as my shedding is done. Hours later my phone rang, answered it and it turned out to be Lloyd, he said hi to me and ask me how I was doing, I told him that I'm doing alright and ask him what's up. He told me that he talked to his Sensei and his ninja folks about me and decided to ask me if they can come over to My place, because they would love to meet me, get to know me and discuss on how to they can get me to Ouroboros to see My uncle and meet his family. I happily said, "Yes! Y'all can come on over and I'll have refreshments ready by the time y'all get here Lloyd. Thank you!" You're welcome Ms Duhvassa, we'll see you there in a bit ma'am!" Said Lloyd. We said bye, got off the phone and went to work on making cafe Au lait and Beignets.
I turned on my coffee pot to get my French Roast brewing, round up my ingredients, mix the dough, let it rise, roll it, cut them in squares, fry them, got them out few by few, drizzle them with honey, sprinkle them with powdered sugar, and made 10 coffee mugs of Cafe AU Lait by the time my doorbell rang.

I covered the Beignets with a large lid, went to my room, took off my dirty clothes with Beignet mix on them, put on my black long sleeve shirt, with a black long maxi skirt and belt and then myself invisible as I head to the door to greet them wi...

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I covered the Beignets with a large lid, went to my room, took off my dirty clothes with Beignet mix on them, put on my black long sleeve shirt, with a black long maxi skirt and belt and then myself invisible as I head to the door to greet them with a surprise. I opened the door, first Lloyd and his ninja folks looked a little spooked. Lloyd and them all looked at each other in confusion, then turns to face me with a grin and nod, I guessed that he knew my trick that I'm pulling on them, because he's been around Pythor for a long time. "Duhvassa Chumsworth! I know you're in here with us, please give us a sign of your presence so we know you're here ma'am!" Said Lloyd. So I made my appearance as I got out of my invisibly mode into my normal self to them. Boy they scared except for Lloyd, his parents and Sensei uncle smiling through the whole thing, once everyone calms down then Lloyd and I said hi to each other then I gave him hug. Lloyd's mama couldn't help herself but giggle as he accepted my hug. "Oh!!! We got ourselves a hugger!" Said Lloyd's Dad. We let go of each other.
Lloyd composed himself, then introduced his family to me, their names are Sensei Garmadon Misako his mom and Dad, Sensei Wu his uncle, Nya, Kai, Zane, Jay, and Cole. I shook their hands and hugged each and everyone on them. The biggest hug I got out them is Nya, as I let go of her, she noticed my my black heart marking on my right cheek that I had since I was born. "OMG!!! you have a adorable little heart on your cheek Duhvassa!" Said Nya. "Aw thank you, I had it since I was a baby!" I said and it got the attention of Misako and Sensei Garmadon, " hey can we see it please? Asked Misako. I turned my head, they see it and Sensei Garmadon tells me, "ooh!!! If your uncle see your lil heart on that cheek, he'll love to pepper that with a whole lot of kisses Duhvassa!" I smiled and thanked him for the compliment, I told them to come on in, and take a seat in the living room, and I'll be Right back with with the refreshments. They smiled and nod and went to the living room to sit down.
First I grabbed all 10 coffee mugs of Cafe AU Lait, take it to the living room, put them on the coffee table for everyone to have, then came back to the kitchen, grab the round covered pan that contains the freshly made Beignets, took it to the living room and put it on the coffee table, then Kai gave up his seat on the recliner so I can sit down after busting my rear making these refreshments.
Silence came in the room, Kai came back with a chair from the kitchen and sits down.
Sensei Wu opens the conversation and asks me, "How are you doing since we last saw you in our tea shop Duhvassa?" "I been doing well lately, so what do you want?" I said. " We are here to talk, get to know you and discuss on how to get you to your Uncle Pythor Duhvassa!" Said Lloyd. I look on my left and spotted Jay eyeing on the covered pan. I got up, took off the lid and the smell of Beignets fills the air as I reveal to them.

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