♥️chapter 7 Fangtom encounter♥️

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First of the month comes around. I finally got my driver's license happily and saved enough to get myself a vehicle at a used car dealership and found my dream truck, a black 1998 dodge ram pickup truck.

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This truck was my dream car since I was a kid. So I bought it, put it in my name, then drove off out of the dealership happy as I ever been.
That weekend I decided to go visit a possible cemetery or two. I spot this one area in the woods that resemble a spooky graveyard I've seen in some vampire movies. I parked My truck then got out and started walking to the strange graveyard.

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When I arrived at the strange graveyard, everything seems eerie as I walked in the entrance

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When I arrived at the strange graveyard, everything seems eerie as I walked in the entrance. An uneasy feeling came over me which feels like if someone or something in watching me. I'm fully aware of my surroundings and luckily my Lil Jafar the Pyrus Fangzor is on my right shoulder keeping an watchful eye out for anything he'll hiss and strike at. As I look around around the tombstones sightseeing, out of the blue Jafar turned around have his hood up hissing at whatever is behind me. I turned around and OMG, the red two headed general I recognized the photo Acidicus showed me. It's Fangtom, the general of the Fangpyre himself standing in front of me with a curious look on his face.

My instinct is to bow to him in respect

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My instinct is to bow to him in respect. So I did and said to him, "Hello Mr Fangtom! My apologies if I mean to trespass in your territory sir." "No no, it's alright with us that you stop by and visit our tomb, unfortunately we don't get much visitors here." Said Fangtom, Then asks me." Why are you here Duhvassa?" I explained to him that I came to this cemetery to sightsee. He nodded as he understands me then he tells me that this cemetery is actually a tomb. I was surprised when he said it.
Fangtom gently land his hand on my left shoulder then pointed his finger at the strange statue which resembles a two headed snake explaining to me that it's a tomb of his tribe.
"Goodness gracious I thought this was a regular cemetery unlike the ones back in New Orleans!" I said. "Really? Are you familiar with the one cemetery where the voodoo queen Marie Laveau and the king of rock and roll Elvis Presley was buried?" Asked Fangtom. I've answered, "Yes! The St Louis cemetery. But it's also the cemetery where my mom is buried at!" Suddenly I had a flashback remembering my mother's funeral. The day I said my final goodbye to her before she got buried. Which makes my heart sank and tear up thinking about it. Thankfully Fangtom was there and saw what's happening to me. He rushed up and put both hands on my upper arms asking me, "Duhvassa! Are you alright sweetheart?" I've snapped back to reality and answered, "I'm alright Fangtom, I just don't like talking about that cemetery. It holds that one memory I never want to relive again!" "We understand what you're going through sweetheart." Said Fangtom. Then he asks me if I need a hug from him. I nodded as he put his arms around me pulls me into a hug that gave me a good feeling which felt like he cared about me. As I poured my heart out in the arms of the Fangpyre general as he rub my back assuring me saying, "Sssssh! It's Okay Duhvassa, it pains me to see king Pythor's niece hurting from losing a mother!" Our hug felt like forever, but it lasted for almost an hour. I calmed down enough to let him release me and I thank him for the hug. Fangtom asks me if I need anything, I've assured to him I have a pack of Dr pepper in the backseat of my truck. He nodded then asks me if he can walk with me to my truck and I said, "Sure you can!" So Fangtom and I walked to my truck together as friends.
We arrived at my truck. I went to unlock and open the tailgate, Fangtom on the other hand ask if he can get a can of coke out of the backseat of my truck for me. I nod and told him, "Sure! You can get yourself one if you want to Mr. Fangtom!" Fangtom smiled and nod, went to the front of the truck open and close both doors then came back with two cans of Dr. Pepper, hands me the canned coke, he sat down next to me in the back of the truck and we had a good conversation. We talk and laughing our tails off at jokes we say at each other. Jafar hopped off of my shoulder and landed on Fangtom's lap looking straight up at him. I was a little worried that he would freak out over a little fangzor on his lap. Turns out Fangtom was calm about it.
Fangtom smiled at Jafar. He puts down his coke, offering his hand to let Jafar get on his hand. Lil Jafar trusted him enough to be held. "You got a cute little friend here. Is he one of your little Bakugan buddies Duhvassa?" Asked Fangtom. I answered him, "Yes Fangtom! This is Jafar. He's a pyrus fangzor. He's a chiller and very well tamed!" "He is a friendly fangzor and I can tell you did a very good job working with your fangzor. Keep up the good work!" Said Fangtom as he pet Jafar on his head. "Thank you Fangtom!" I said. "You're more than welcome!" Said Fangtom as he put Jafar back on my shoulder. We looked up at the sky and realized it's getting late. Fangtom and I finished off our Cokes. Luckily I have a small plastic bag to put empty cans in to be thrown away. We got off the back and close the tailgate with his help. I thanked him for his help and give him a hug. Fangtom returned the hug with a smile then he told me. "You're welcome Duhvassa, but we are glad to meet you sweetheart. Thank you for stopping by visiting us!" "You're welcome Fangtom and I gotta head on home. Bye!" I said as I waved at him while I hopped in my truck to start the engine. Fangtom backed away and wave back at me. "See you later Duhvassa and drive safe!" I told him, "I will!" Then pulled out of the driveway and head home.

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