📱Chapter 4 Unexpected phone call📱

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Nighttime on Sunday is nice and peaceful, nobody has called, no one visited.
I was on my couch minding my own business munching on popcorn and sippin on coke while watching Ninjago's funniest home videos laughing my tail off at some wakeup prank videos.
When all the sudden my phone rang, I picked it up to look at it and it turned out to be Lloyd calling me to video chat. I answered it as I turned off my TV. Lloyd came on, we said hi to each other. He asked me, "how it going Duhvassa?" "Nothing much Lloyd. I was watching NFV!," I said. "That's good, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself and fortunately I have some news for you ma'am." Said Lloyd. I told him that I hope it's not bad news. He shook his head and assured me there's no bad news and there's a lot of good news he has for me. I told him "go on!" Lloyd took a deep breath then he finally told me that they finally told my uncle Pythor about what happened to my mom and gave him her letter.
"How did Pythor took the news about my mom's death?" I asked. Lloyd answered "He got sad about her death, knew that he Lost a little sister he gave up long ago and eventually took it well than he told them them that he'll look into your mother's letter!"
The explained when his mom told him about me, he got skeptical at first and thought they were joking. Until Nya pulled out her photo of me on her phone to prove to him they're not joking at him and I'm real. When uncle Pythor saw my pic on Nya's phone, he was shocked. He literally said that I looked just like his baby sister. Nya assured him I do look like His sister, except I have a special marking what my mom does not have. Nya switch a picture with the one with a close up at my face where my heart marking is located and showed it to him. When Pythor first saw what's on my left cheek, he went ecstatic and found my marking so adorable. Lloyd and the others literally heard him say he just wanted to reach across the screen to wrap me in his arms in a hug and kiss that little heart on that cheek! 🤗
All the sudden his wife came in the room wondering what's all the commotion about. Pythor told her what Lloyd and the Ninja told him, they have a very pretty niece. She asked them if they're serious. They all nodded their heads assuring her they are as Nya hands her phone to over to Pythor so he can show his wife the photo of me. When she showed her the photo, her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and said, " Oh my goodness she is so beautiful!"
Then she declared that she want to see me so bad and take me into her heart. "I am happy to hear what uncle Pythor and Auntie thought about me!" I said to Lloyd. "Yeah, my folks and I are happy about it as well!" Said Lloyd. Then he let me know he gave uncle Pythor my phone number so he can gets to call me whenever he gets a chance to talk to me. I told him, "Okay Lloyd, I'll be waiting for him to call me so he gets a chance to get to know me, Thank you bro!" "You're welcome Duhvassa I'll talk to you later!" Said Lloyd. We said bye, I got off my phone, put it on charge, clean up my place, put things away, took a nice shower, got ready for bed, tuck my Bakugan in their little beds, turned off my lights, I got into my bed, and drift off to sleep with Panthro laying on my chest purring away.

( In the palace of Ouroboros)
The palace is Dark and peaceful in the night. All the Serpentine people including the servants, generals and their families, and the royal Anacondrai family is a asleep except for king Pythor himself.
Pythor lays on his shared bed with his wife sleeping next to him, his bright fuchsia eyes wide open in tears processing the letter wrote to him from his deceased baby sister and now he's got a beautiful niece that he'll love to have in his arms and take her under his wing like nothing else.
He pulled out his phone to see his niece's photo Nya sent to him from text. Pythor smiled as he gazed at her dark beauty while wiping his tears on his cheeks. He whispered to himself, "Don't worry Duhvassa! When I see you and hold you for the first time, you won't have to worry about being alone anymore, our family love you as you're our own. I'll promise you to the bottom of my heart give you a father and daughter relationship you never have, even though you're born without a Dad, your aunt and I shall love you as you're one of our own daughters baby girl!" Pythor turned his phone off as he set it back on the nightstand when felt a gentle hand rubbing his arm, he smiled when his queen comforting him as she understood their new motive. He took a deep breath and told her, "We gotta get our Dark Beauty niece love!" "I know you wanted to add Duhvassa to our family Pythor, when she walks in our doors, she will be welcomed with open arms, no strings attached, knowing you'll be her daddy and she'll have a loving aunt as mother to her, but not to replace her mother she lost!" Queen y/n replied. Pythor nodded in agreement, then he said, "But we have to tell our girls love, they have a right to know they now have a cousin from my side. They will love Duhvassa like a big sister, plus she'll be the 3rd princess of Ouroboros and 3rd in line to the throne love!" She nodded to her loving husband then suggested since they have her phone number, they'll call their niece tomorrow afternoon after lunch. So hopefully they get to talk to Duhvassa for the first time. Pythor agreed, then he kissed his beautiful wife and together they fall into a deep sleep happily dreaming of seeing Duhvassa and giving her the first hug from her loving Uncle and Aunt.💜 😴🥰💜

Snakegirl112 if you see this chapter and read it.
I hope you like so you can add DV to future chapters of serpentine x Reader.
Btw DV is Duhvassa's nickname and hopefully Pythor and y/n will accept her even though she has a southern accent.

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