💜Chapter 17 Uncle n, niece time.💜

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Two days went by since my aunt took me out shopping and had a good time. I played with my lil cousins and hanged out with my new buddy Shelly. I've got the generals filled in on the knowledge I learned from my home country.
Until one day I was sitting on the sectioned couch watching NFV on TV. I was laughing my tail off at wake up prank montage while clutching my stomach. Uncle Pythor is sitting next to me laughing his tail off upon watching it with me.

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(The outfit Duhvassa is wearing)

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(The outfit Duhvassa is wearing)

"Goodness gracious! That the most hilarious episode I've ever watched! Haha!" Exclaimed uncle Pythor. "Yeah! That episode is so hilarious I could hardly catch my breath uncle Pythor!" I told him. I got up off the couch and went to the bathroom of my room to use the toilet.
I've finished doing my business. As I stepped out of my bathroom, I've heard a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it to find uncle Pythor at my door.
"You need help with anything uncle Pythor?" I asked him. "No! But I really need to discuss with you about. May I come in?" Said uncle Pythor. I nodded and said, "Sure!" I let him in and closed the door.
Uncle Pythor and I sat down on the bench at the foot of my bed. He and I had a moment of silence until he spoke up. "Do you remember our last conversation we had when you told me about you're looking for a place closer to us?" He asked. I nodded and replied, "Yes!"
Uncle Pythor has explained to me that he, Aunt y/n and the generals had a long discussion about it yesterday. "Therefore I'm going to give you an offer!" He said, "okay! What is it?" I asked him.
He cleared his throat and spoke, "Well, my family and I loved you dearly, we liked to spending more time together with you. Your Cousins, auntie, and I wanted you to come stay with us in the city of Ouroboros! There at the apartment you're currently residing in New Ninjago City, you're too far from me and... I just don't want to lose you as I lost your mother in the serpentine war, and you mean so much to me Duhvassa."
I couldn't believe what I heard. He is offering to let me move in to the palace to live with him and his family. So I asked him out of curiosity, "So what will get if I accept your offer Uncle Pythor?" Uncle Pythor explained to me that I'll get to have the room I'm currently staying and whatever I requested for what I wanted, he can grant it for me.
I thought about it for a moment, then it dawned on me that I could ask him for sewing room of My own. So I can have a space to make my own dresses and clothing. "May I request to have my own sewing room uncle Pythor?" I asked.
Uncle Pythor asked me why then I explained to him in full detail. I revealed to him that I brought my mom's good working sewing machine all the way from New Orleans to Ninjago, but it's currently stored at my storage shed at the apartment complex where I live at. I also told him that I can offer to use the sewing skills and techniques that my mom taught me to help others.
He nodded as he understands where I'm coming from. "That something I can grant especially for you Duhvassa, but I would love to look forward to see you using your mom's sewing table." Said uncle Pythor. I nodded then I informed him that my mom's sewing machine is the one that helped us get out of poverty then Mom personally left it to me in her will when she passed away.
Uncle Pythor understands me then he tells me that I can bring it to be put in my sewing room. He even tells me that that my room has a balcony with a nice view of the garden and it does have a hidden room. I asked him where's the hidden room is at. He smiled then quietly got up, take me by the hand and led me to where it's at.
He went to the bookshelf and opened it as it revealed an empty room inside. We went inside of it and Pythor flipped on the light switch. I looked around to find that it has no window and it's dirty as heck that needs a good cleaning and some TLC. 

(The hidden room in Duhvassa's bedroom.)


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				"What do you think Duhvassa? " Ask uncle Pythor

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"What do you think Duhvassa? " Ask uncle Pythor. I turned to him and replied, ""It's perfect uncle Pythor, but it needs a good cleaning and some TLC in here."

			Uncle Pythor agrees with me on that

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Uncle Pythor agrees with me on that. "So what will you'll say sweetheart? Are you going to take my offer to come live with us Duhvassa?" Asked uncle Pythor. I couldn't hold this up since his offer is a blessing in disguise. I'll have more opportunities here in Ouroboros and a big family support system.
With a smile on my face I said, "Yes! Pythor smiled with joy then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. He tells me that he's so happy that I've accepted his offer and couldn't for me to move in with him and his family.
I informed him that I'll be going to get my apartment packed up after my week long stay here is over. Uncle Pythor agrees with me on that. We even discussed about the plans that I'll be doing for my room later that day.
Uncle Pythor told me, "It's your room Duhvassa, you can make however you wanted to make it fit your taste sweetheart!" I felt happy that he's going to allow me to decorate my room and express myself. I told him that I'm gonna turn the hidden room into a hide out gaming room.
Uncle Pythor likes the idea of that. He informed me that he'll help take care of covering the cost of the moving truck and have a couple of his buddies to help me with carrying the furniture and boxes. I told him that I'll look around for some moving boxes. He agrees with me to that. Uncle Pythor tells me that he couldn't wait for me to come live with him and his family.

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