Chapter Twenty Seven : Back in the Abyss.

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Thee wakes up in the lab. "No." She says. "I can't be back here."

"It's a memory." A voice says. Brenner's voice.

Thee feels her head. "Bitch!! You shaved my head again!! I was trying to grow it out!!" Thee yells.

Thee's old friend walks in. She is in the rainbow room alone.

"Hello Thirteen." He says. He is a little brown haired boy. Around 8 years old, a few years older than Thee at the time.

"One?" Thee asks. He disappears and walks back in.

"Hello Thirteen." He says.

"Hello One." Thee says. She starts to remember. Thee is around 3 years old.

"Why are you up so early?" He asks.

"I do not know. I just woke up a few minutes ago." Thee says.

"Want to draw?" He asks.

"Yes." Thee says. Thee and One start walking over to draw.

A black widow spider appears on the table and Thee screams. The spider bites her on the hand and Thee screams louder and shakes it off and stomps on it.

"One!" She yells. "It-It bit me!!" Thee yells.

"Good work." He says to a spider on his shoulder.

"W-what are you doing?" Thee asks.

"How are you still alive?" He asks. He send more spiders after Thee and Thee starts running.

"Stop Thee!! Or I will make them kill our mother!" He yells.

Thee freezes. "What?" She asks. "Our?" She asks.

"I'm your brother Thee." He says. "Well, half brother. We have different fathers."

"I thought my mother was dead." Thee says.

"She is." One says. He creepy smiles. "I killed her. And I killed your father."

"WHAT?!" Thee asks.

"Now I will end the bloodline with you." He says. A spider bites Thee again and Thee falls to the ground.

"I killed our mother. You will never have anyone ever again." One says.

Thee feels a sudden rage in her. She stands up.

One looks confused. "How?"

Thee's eyes turn bright red, like the Upside Down. She starts rising in the air. "You killed her!!" She yells. Thee feels a sudden, strong rage, from everything. Even in her present life, being 18 years old.

"All of this is happening because of you One." Thee says. "ALL OF IT!!!" She screams.

Thee has all of her bad memories, her trauma, her pain. All of it gathers into one ball of energy and she shoots it at One.

Thee falls to the ground. She can't feel anything. The spider venom locks into her system and her heart drops.

"Thirteen!!!" Brenner yells.

"Come on kiddo!" Owens yells.

Thirteen wakes up on a medical table, surrounded by doctors. She starts coughing.

"What just happened?" She asks. She starts to faze in and out of the upside down. "NO! I don't want to go back there!"

"You're connected to the upside down." Brenner says. "You can go there whenever you want."

"I-I don't want to go back." Thee says. She is shaking.

"Can I explain what just happened?" Brenner asks.

Thirteen nods.

"Your half brother, One, he connects you to the Upside Down." Brenner says. "You almost defeated him so you got some of his power that he has in the Upside Down."

"So I can go there when I want?" Thee asks.

"When you want. And when he wants." Brenner says. "Or when your powers take over and your emotions take over. That's when you can't control it."

Thee starts thinking about the rage inside of her. The pain that the man next to her has put her through.

"This is your fault." Thee says. "I HATE THE UPSIDE DOWN!!! YOU ARE THE REASON FOR EVERYTHING!!" She yells. She stands up and walks towards Brenner.

"Thirteen..." Brenner says.


Everything goes black for her. She feels a cold wind on her face and she opens her eyes.

The Upside Down.

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