Fluff :)

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( art by 499riv on insta 🤟😂 BTW please send requests 🤤🫶 btw this chapter focuses a lot more of red guy )

It was super late and everyone had gone to bed ( they all have separate rooms in this :/) red was pretty sure everyone was asleep but him. He didn't know why but he couldn't sleep
Lately he had been feeling a weird way about duck. He would catch himself looking at him a lot and blushing when duck caught him. He didn't know why.
His thoughts were cut off by some noise coming from downstairs so he went to go check. When he walked down all he could hear was moving around and the sounds of dishes. He couldn't really see in the dark so he turned on the light and saw Duck. 
"What are you doing awake?" Red asked " I'm getting a glass of water, what are you doing awake?" Duck responded " well I couldn't sleep" " oh well what's keeping u up? " as duck said this while trying to still get some water which was kinda loud. Red really didn't want to tell him that it was because he was thinking about him so he just said " I don't really know my room is too hot so I can't sleep" " oh well, you can sleep in my room if you want?" Red could feel the blush on his face " y-yeah sure"
  After duck had drunk his water they left to his room. " so do I sleep on the floor or?" Asked red " no of course not! U can sleep in my bed" Red started blushing but duck couldn't really see it because well red is red 💀
  When they got into bed duck wasn't facing red which kinda upset red but he was also relived because he doesn't know what he would do if duck caught him staring at him again. 
  All of a sudden he felt duck sleepily move closer to red. This made red into a complete mess he didn't know why he was feeling this way. But since duck was asleep red put his arms around him. So they were spooning :)  red slowly fell asleep. the end

Tehe 🤭
Well this is the FIRST one shot I've ever done so please don't bully me :/
But anyways hope u liked this love u 😘

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