Movie night 🍿

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Art by crazghetti on Instagram‼️
HEY!! Plz send requests and I hope u enjoy

It was night and the trio were trying to come up with ideas for things to do.

" we could color!" Yellow said excitedly"

" hush you! No one wants to color that's far too childish!" Duck said

Duck then looked at red but red was already looking at him. Duck could feel his face start to burn. When red noticed duck saw he looked away kind of embarrassed

"Red do u um have any ideas?"
"Um yeah how about we watch a movie?"
"Perfect!" Duck immediately agreed

Yellow ran to the kitchen to go make some snacks for the trio and left duck and red alone in the living room.

" So, what movie do you want to watch?"
"Hm, how about a scary movie?"

Red thought about this for a second. ' A scary movie would be the perfect excuse to I don't know cuddle with him maybe?'

"Hello?" Duck sounded a bit offended
"Huh oh sorry... um we could watch whatever you want"
" okay!"

Duck ran to the tv and put on some random horror movie.

" I'll be right back I'm going to get my blanket"

Duck left the room and just as he left yellow walked in with popcorn and soda. Yellow sat on the couch and watched the movie. When yellow would get interested in something it was hard to get him to pay attention. So yellow didn't even realize when duck walked back in the room with blankets and pillows.

Duck sat down right next to red so red was in the middle and started to watch. Red looked to his left and saw ducks hand ( wing idk?) and thought about ducks reaction If red were to grab it. Deep in his thoughts he didn't realize that he did grab it until he felt duck flinch and look at him. Duck had a confused look on his face but it didn't take long for duck to just grab reds hand back and continue to watch the movie. Duck could feel butterflies in his stomach from reds sudden act of affection. Duck didn't respond well to affection and rarely showed it to other people but with red it felt different.

A little later into the movie it was getting scary and yellow had passed out so it was basically just red and duck. In the movie there was a jump scare so red could feel as duck grabbed onto his arm and shuffled into red for comfort

"Ehh is this um okay?" Duck asked worried by the way red would react if duck were to get closer to him. Ducks face was incredibly red. " sure" red smiled trying to keep his cool but he could feel blush on his face. With the approval duck moved closer to red so they were cuddling a bit not fully but a lot closer than before.

By the time the movie was over yellow was completely out so red decided to put yellow in his bedroom. Duck watched as red got up from the couch kind of upset about the loss of contact.

"I'll be right back stay here."

Duck stayed on the couch till red eventually came back. Red didn't go back to cuddling duck right away but kept a distance. Which upset them both but red felt that it would have been weird to just go back to where they were.

"Do you want to go my room? I'm pretty tired" red asked. There was blush on both of their faces

"Sure" duck said the butterflies were swarming ducks stomach and he thought about him and red being so close together again.

When they got to reds room, red jumped on the bed and patted the space next to him. Reds bed had to be big because red was a pretty large guy. ( heheehehehehhe) There wasn't a lot of space for duck which duck didn't mind since he wanted to cuddle with him.

Duck got onto the bed which was a little difficult because duck had to climb. He sat next to red. "Sooo, I think I'm gonna go to bed" red said. It was kinda awkward. " um, okay" They both went under the blanket and faced away from eachother. They both wanted to turn around so bad. Duck would never be brave enough to do it first but red thought 'what's the worst that can happen?' So he turned around.

Duck heard the sound of shuffling and thought 'should I turn around?' He was scared but he turned around. They were both just looking at each other for a little. "Are you tired?" Duck asked blushing " kind of" red said not taking his eyes off duck. Red pulled duck into his chest and usually duck would have protested and screamed to be let go but duck didn't.

"Good night" duck said very flustered. " good night" They fell asleep in eachothers arms <3


This story isn't that good but I haven't posted in so long I feel like it's better than nothing...
please send requests ‼️ love you ❤️

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