Fluff 😎🤞

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The trio were all sitting in the living room. Duck was reading the newspaper and red and yellow were watching the tv. Everyone was doing their own thing until red tried to run his hand through his hair. He realized that his hair hadn't been brushed in a while and is now tangled and knotted.

Duck looked at red and made a disgusted face. "Ew! When was the last time you took care of your hair?" Red looked at the shorter puppet. "Um.. I dunno.. ive been very busy." Yellow and red watch as duck gets up and leaves the room. A couple seconds later he comes back with a hairbrush

"Here." Duck hands him the hairbrush and sits back down in his chair. He opens the newspaper and starts reading again. Red looks at the hairbrush and then starts lazily brushing his hair. Duck tries to go back to reading but feels himself getting more and more irritated by red guys lack of effort. He puts the newspaper down and walks angrily to red guy.

Duck grabs the brush from his hands and starts brushing his hair himself. Red guy looks at the small puppet and smiles slightly. Though duck couldn't see it because of reds long hair. Duck brushed through reds hair gently. Yellow and red kept watching the tv and duck stayed focused on reds hair.

When duck was finished he sat back down in his chair.
"Your welcome." Duck said with an arrogant tone. "Thanks" red smiled again.
the end

sorry it was so short 😭 please send requests. 😍
Art by: partly_disconnected on insta 😝
Bye love you 😍⁉️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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